I arrived just in time.

There was a crowd outside Wu Cheng's house, so I squeezed in for a look.

Fang Tian, dressed beautifully, wearing an apron and plastic gloves, was clinging to the door and refusing to leave.

She cried bitterly, "Dad, Mom, I want to marry Wu Cheng! I want to marry Wu Cheng, please fulfill my wish!"


Fang's father grabbed her hand, frustrated.

"Aside from the fact that Wu Cheng's mother is your cousin, can't you see that they lack basic manners? In our customs, it's not the woman who goes to the man's house for engagement. They even made you wash vegetables and cook while their whole family sat there eating. If you marry into such a family, you'll only suffer!"

Fang Tian shook her head and pinned her hopes on Wu Cheng.

"Cheng ge, say something!"

Wu Cheng avoided eye contact, but reluctantly stepped forward.

"Mom, Dad, Tian Tian already belongs to me! When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Our customs are like this, so you shouldn't interfere too much."

This statement hit a nerve with Fang's father.

He ignored Wu Cheng and slapped Fang Tian across the face.

"I'll ask you again, will you come back with me or not?"

Fang Tian covered her swollen face, disbelievingly saying, "Dad, you actually hit me?"

She didn't realize the seriousness of the situation and still insisted on her own ideas.

"Cheng ge is a good person, and I must marry him! Even if his mother is my long-lost cousin, so what? With today's advanced technology, it doesn't necessarily mean we'll have a deformed child."

As soon as she said this, Fang's father exploded.

He didn't pay attention to Wu Cheng, but only said, "Are you coming or not?"

Anger and disappointment were written all over his face.

Fang's mother tried to persuade Fang Tian on the side.

"Just listen to your dad! Wu Cheng's mother is your cousin, and it's illegal for close relatives to marry. Moreover, even if customs are different, can't we discuss it? This shows that they don't care about you at all!"

Fang Tian, tears streaming down her face, looked at Wu Cheng with a pleading gaze.

"Cheng ge, tell my mom that you're not like that, right?"

Wu Cheng was annoyed by her gaze and impatiently grabbed her hand, "After being in a relationship with me for so many years, do you still not know what kind of person I am?"

Having received the answer she wanted, Fang Tian was satisfied.

She lowered her head shyly and stomped her foot, "Mom, don't worry about it. Cheng ge will definitely treat me well!"

Fang's mother opened her mouth, covering her heart in pain, "You are the child I carried for ten months, how can I not worry about you? No, you have to come with us. You can't jump into this fire pit!"

"What fire pit? Auntie, your words are too harsh."

Wu Cheng's mother, Liu Mei, arrived late.

She was wearing a bright red suit, with large gold bracelets on her hands, a gold necklace around her neck, and even gold earrings on her ears.

Extravagant and eye-catching, she outshone the protagonist Fang Tian.

When she appeared, Fang's parents became even angrier.

"You're causing harm!"

Liu Mei warmly embraced Fang Tian, as if they were real mother and daughter.

"Tian Tian, I'm your cousin, how could I harm you? You, just marry and settle down. When the time comes, I will definitely give you a grand wedding with Wu Cheng."

"Hmm, thank you, Mom."

Fang Tian happily replied.

This sentence struck Fang's parents hard, and her father became so angry that he fell back, leaving behind the words "Don't regret it" as Fang's mother, who wanted to say a few more words, walked away.

"This is a disaster! How can we have such an disobedient daughter?"

"She's even marrying her cousin; is this girl out ofher mind?"

The crowd outside Wu Cheng's house dispersed gradually, leaving behind a tense atmosphere.

Fang Tian and Wu Cheng stood at the door, facing the aftermath of the confrontation.

Wu Cheng's mother, Liu Mei, took Fang Tian's hand and led her into the house.

"Tian Tian, don't worry about them. They'll come around eventually. Let's focus on our own happiness."

Inside the house, the table was still full of dishes, and Wu Cheng's family sat there silently.

Fang Tian hesitated for a moment before speaking up, "Uncle, Auntie, I know you may not approve of our relationship, but please understand that we love each other. We are willing to face the challenges and differences in customs together."

Wu Cheng's father looked at her with a stern expression.

"Love is not everything. Marriage is a serious matter, involving families, traditions, and societal expectations. You two have not considered the consequences of your actions. It's not just about the customs; it's about the long-term impact on your lives."

Fang Tian's eyes welled up with tears.

"Uncle, Auntie, I understand your concerns, but please give us a chance. We are willing to learn, adapt, and compromise. We believe that love can conquer all obstacles."

Wu Cheng's mother, Liu Mei, sighed and spoke gently, "Tian Tian, I understand your determination, but it's not just about love. Family harmony and societal acceptance are also important factors for a successful marriage. We need to find a way to bridge the gap between our families and ensure a stable future for both of you."

Wu Cheng finally spoke up, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Uncle, Auntie, I promise you that I will take care of Tian Tian and make her happy. I will work hard to build a strong foundation for our future. Please trust me."

There was a moment of silence in the room as everyone contemplated the situation.

Finally, Wu Cheng's father let out a deep sigh.

"We cannot change the past or our customs, but we can strive for a better future. If you are truly committed to each other and willing to face the challenges together, then we will support you. However, remember that marriage is not just about love, but also about responsibility and compromise. You both need to be prepared for the journey ahead."

Fang Tian and Wu Cheng nodded in unison, grateful for the opportunity and understanding shown by their families.

From that day forward, they embarked on a path of understanding, respect, and compromise. They sought guidance from their families and worked together to navigate the complexities of their different customs and traditions.

Over time, Fang's parents began to see the sincerity and dedication of Wu Cheng and his family. They gradually accepted their relationship, realizing that love knows no boundaries when supported by understanding and mutual respect.

Fang Tian and Wu Cheng's wedding turned out to be a celebration of unity and harmony, symbolizing the merging of two families and their commitment to embracing both their shared values and their unique cultural differences.

And so, their love story became an inspiration for others, reminding everyone that love can indeed transcend boundaries and cultural barriers when nurtured with patience, understanding, and a willingness to embrace change.
