Second Aunt really killed someone.

But it wasn't Second Granny.

Dad instinctively stood in front of us, guarding against Second Aunt making any more extreme moves.

Not long after, the police arrived.

They took away Second Aunt, and our whole family was called in for questioning.

The police told us that Second Aunt accidentally injured Second Granny in a fit of rage.

What she really wanted was the lives of our whole family.

In their plan, Second Aunt would prepare a table full of dishes to apologize to us.

We would eat happily, and Grandma would forgive her.

But in those dishes, she had put lethal doses of rat poison and sleeping pills.

Just one bite would be fatal.

To cover up the truth, she had also tampered with the gas valve in the house in advance.

After we passed out, Second Uncle would light a mosquito coil in the bathroom.

As time passed, the leaked natural gas gradually filled the entire room, encountering an open flame, and then exploded.

They thought that this way, not only could they protect themselves and evacuate, but they could also create a fire to conceal the truth of the poisoning.

It was a meticulously planned and extremely cruel scheme.

Unfortunately, they miscalculated one thing—Second Grandpa couldn't resist his craving and drank the Maotai liquor that had been drugged.

Not only did she fail to achieve her goal, but she also inadvertently killed "her own people."

The carefully planned conspiracy ended in a ridiculous farce.

In court, Second Aunt was sentenced to death for intentional murder, with a two-year reprieve.

Second Uncle was an accomplice and was sentenced to ten years.

Second Granny became a vegetable, and her son and daughter-in-law quickly sold the family's property and fled, only for the neighbors to discover her dead from starvation in her own filth not long after.

This case spread widely, with some saying that Second Granny's family was innocent, they were just misled by Second Aunt.

I don't think so.

She was wrong to conspire with a treacherous woman like Second Aunt for personal gain.

She was wrong to teach her children to forget loyalty for profit.

She shouldn't have cursed her children in front of a mother...
