"Who do you call a scoundrel? I think you're the biggest scoundrel!"

When my dad scolded me, my grandma immediately stood up for me.

She even turned around and scolded my dad.

"Do you know what happened today? Do you know what happened in the house?"

"You come up here and scold your child without any reason. Do you deserve to be called 'Dad' by your child?"

Grandma scolded suddenly, and my dad didn't know how to respond.

He looked at me confusedly, then at my grandma.

"Mom... I'm educating the child..."

"Before educating the child, take care of yourself first!"

Grandma slammed her cane heavily on the ground, making a loud noise.

"You are her dad, her last line of defense. If even you don't trust her, then who in this world will care about her?"

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you earn some money. No matter how capable and talented you are outside, once you enter this house, you are just a father and a son."

While speaking, Grandma noticed the newly acquired orange packaging box on the sofa.

She was about to pick it up, but my dad took it back first.

"It was sent by someone in business..."

Grandma shook her head.

"Don't pretend in front of me. I can see through your tricks as a man in an instant.

"You just want to scold the two of them in front of me, then turn around and give them some valuable things to please them.

"Just giving money is useless. She is a living person, not a piggy bank in your office!

"If it were you, would you be willing to be a slave for ten thousand dollars a day? "

Listening to Grandma's words, I couldn't help but recall some things from my childhood.

When Grandma first came to live with us, my dad would still defend me and my mom.

But in the face of Grandma's moral blackmail of "I am your mother and I am the greatest," my dad was defeated.

The consequence of standing up against her every time was that Grandma would torture my mom even more.

So my dad changed his strategy and pretended to scold the two of us in front of Grandma.

It didn't matter if we suffered a little injustice; afterwards, he would compensate us in other ways.

However, in the repeated quarrels, Grandma and my aunt's methods became more and more sophisticated.

And my dad's patience diminished with each desperate struggle Grandma launched.

He gradually became numb and had no time to deal with these "trivial matters."

He gave my mom a lot of money and bought her expensive gifts as compensation.

As long as Grandma didn't dance in front of him, he was willing to believe in the illusion of a harmonious family.

Every luxury brand bag in my mom's closet was a "compensation" for the grievances she suffered.

A whole wall full of them, pitiful and laughable...

By the end of the scolding, Grandma was sitting alone on a small stool, silently shedding tears.

"With a mother as unreasonable as me, I can't raise a good son.

"It's not easy for you to have this little conscience."

"Eldest one, you must sincerely treat Yani well. Consider it as an atonement for me, alright?"

It was unexpected for Grandma to say such words.

My mom was the first one to sit beside Grandma and comfort her softly, "Mom, I admit that sometimes I feel you're biased, but I promise I've never blamed you.

"You're still young and became a widow. It's not easy for you to raise two children on your own. They should be filial to you.

"I just hope you can treat Panyi well. Although she's a girl, she has the same blood as you flowing in her veins. She's also a member of the Xu family."

After my mom finished speaking, my dad quickly joined in.

"I confess, all these years I haven't fulfilled my duties as a husband to the two of them, nor my responsibilities as a father.

"From now on, I willmake a change and be a better father and husband.

"I will prioritize their well-being and happiness above all else.

"I apologize for my past behavior and I promise to make it up to them."

As my dad spoke, tears welled up in his eyes.

Grandma looked at him for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Alright, I'll give you a chance.

"But remember, it's not just about words. It's about your actions.

"Prove to me that you can truly change and be the father and husband they deserve."

From that day on, my dad started to actively participate in our lives.

He spent more time with me and my mom, engaging in meaningful conversations and creating beautiful memories together.

He became more understanding, patient, and supportive.

He realized that love and care were not measured by the material possessions he showered us with, but by his presence and genuine concern.

Over time, the strained relationship between my dad and Grandma began to heal.

They started to communicate and understand each other better, finding common ground and respecting each other's perspectives.

While it wasn't always smooth sailing, the effort my dad put in made a noticeable difference.

He proved his commitment to change through his consistent actions.

As for me, I felt a renewed sense of love and support from my dad.

I no longer felt like a burden or a source of disappointment.

Instead, I felt valued and cherished as his daughter.

Grandma's scolding that day turned out to be a turning point for our family.

It made my dad realize the importance of being an involved and caring parent.

It reminded him that family relationships require effort, understanding, and unconditional love.

From that moment on, our family began to heal and grow stronger.

And I, for one, was grateful for the scolding that sparked this positive change.
