Lan Wei actually turned off the video when she saw Qin Shi losing control and eating the cake.

When she saw Qin Shi lighting candles for his deceased child, she lost all interest in him.

His tears, the blood at the corners of his mouth, and the bruises on his face, all made Lan Wei feel that he deserved it.

She closed the video, turned off the useless phone, and threw it into the drawer again.

Then she went to take a nap in the master bedroom.

She didn't believe that a man like Qin Shi would take responsibility for his actions.

He was young, wealthy, and exceptionally good-looking.

Going crazy for a few days would only make him feel slightly better.

After a few more days of drinking, he would quickly bring different women home.

Perhaps Qin Shi, who had a penchant for body double literature, would once again play the role of a body double—finding someone who looked like him.

Lan Wei fell asleep like this.

When she woke up, she started writing.

The new environment in the United States gave her new inspiration.

With the press of a key, her thoughts flowed smoothly like a gushing spring, and a feeling called "flow" struck her.

Meanwhile, Qin Shi was lying in the hospital.

Even he himself didn't believe that he was vomiting blood because of heartache.

This reminded him of the scene in "Heaven's Path" where Ding Yuanying vomited blood after Rui Xiaodan's death.

It turns out that when a person is in extreme heartache, they really can vomit blood.

He also thought of Lan Wei. Did she really have an abortion?

Was it possible that Lan Wei, in her soft-heartedness, decided to keep the child?

Clutching onto this obsession, Qin Shi went madly searching for Lan Wei after being discharged from the hospital.

But he never expected that Lan Wei's parents had blocked him and their house was empty. It seemed that Lan Wei had long prepared to disappear completely. Their neighbors had no idea where the couple had gone.

As for other relatives, he had no means of contacting them.

The little fish, who most likely knew Lan Wei's contact information, had already gone to Northern Europe.

She was the one who deleted his contact information even earlier than Lan Wei.

As for the others, he could only think of Lan Wei's former company.

But no matter how he pestered them, the people at the company only knew that Ms. Lu had resigned and wanted to take a break.

They genuinely didn't know anything else.

Because of his constant troublemaking at associated companies, Qin Shi was considered to have damaged the company's image, and he was stripped of his position as the Executive Director for Greater China.

His fame and income plummeted.

Many of his connections disappeared in an instant.

Even the group of people who used to fawn over him vanished without a trace.

But Qin Shi didn't care. He gave a large sum of money to some so-called detective agencies and asked them to find Lan Wei.

But in the end, he only received one answer: Lan Wei was not in the country at all.

So, which country did she go to?

Qin Shi, like a madman, spent his days either on the road searching for clues about Lan Wei or in bars drinking.

Su Yue, on the other hand, was very persistent and came to find him every day.

She even said, "Since you pursued her because she looked like me, why can't you treat me as her?"

Qin Shi scolded her, "Disgusting."

But in reality, the only disgusting one was Qin Shi himself.

He had a scruffy beard every day, and eventually, he sold the house where he and Lan Wei had lived together.

He moved into a small apartment.

He didn't want that house to constantly remind him that he had destroyed everything.

His Lan Wei, the one he had planned to propose to.

And that child he had longed for.

All of it was gone.

Later, he finally heard a piece of news that said Lan Wei was in the United States.

Qin Shi, fueled by hope, decided to go to the United States to find Lan Wei. He didn't care about the cost or the difficulties he might face. Determined to make amends and find closure, he embarked on a journey across the ocean.

In the United States, Qin Shi faced numerous challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, and the vastness of the country made his search difficult. He started by contacting Lan Wei's former colleagues and friends, hoping to gather any information that could lead him to her.

After weeks of relentless searching and following various leads, Qin Shi finally received a breakthrough. He discovered that Lan Wei had enrolled in a prestigious art school in New York City. Excited yet nervous, Qin Shi made his way to the city that never sleeps.

With the address of the art school in hand, Qin Shi went there directly. He arrived at the campus and started asking around, showing Lan Wei's picture to anyone who might recognize her. After several unsuccessful attempts, he finally encountered a student who knew Lan Wei.

The student informed Qin Shi that Lan Wei had been studying at the art school but had recently taken a break. She had left the city and traveled to a small town in upstate New York. The student provided Qin Shi with the name of the town and a general direction.

Filled with renewed hope, Qin Shi quickly made his way to the small town. He searched for Lan Wei tirelessly, visiting every art gallery, café, and community center in the area. He even put up missing person posters with Lan Wei's picture, hoping someone would recognize her.

Days turned into weeks, and Qin Shi's determination never wavered. He refused to give up, believing that he would find Lan Wei no matter what.

Finally, one fateful day, Qin Shi walked into a local art exhibition. As he browsed the artwork, he noticed a painting with a striking resemblance to Lan Wei's style. He approached the artist, a young woman, and asked about the painting.

The artist turned to face him, and Qin Shi's heart skipped a beat. It was Lan Wei, standing right in front of him.

Tears filled Qin Shi's eyes as he reached out to touch Lan Wei's hand. He couldn't believe that he had finally found her, that their paths had crossed again.

But Lan Wei pulled her hand back, her expression cold and distant. She looked at him with a mix of surprise and indifference.

"Qin Shi, what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice devoid of any warmth.

Qin Shi, overwhelmed with emotions, struggled to find the right words. He pleaded, "Lan Wei, I've been searching for you. I want to apologize, to make things right. Please, give me a chance."

Lan Wei sighed and shook her head. "It's too late, Qin Shi. Too much has happened, and I can't go back. I've moved on."

Qin Shi's heart sank, but he refused to accept defeat. He poured his heart out, expressing his regret and the pain he had endured since their separation. He begged Lan Wei to reconsider, to give their love another chance.

But Lan Wei remained firm in her decision. She explained that she had rebuilt her life, found happiness, and learned to let go of the past. She didn't want to revisit the pain and heartbreak they had experienced.

Qin Shi, devastated, realized that he had lost Lan Wei forever. With tears streaming down his face, he thanked her for the memories they had shared and for the time they spent together.

As Qin Shi walked away from the art exhibition, he carried a heavy heart. He understood that he had caused irreversible damage and that some wounds could never fully heal.

However, he also learned a valuable lesson about love, loss, and the consequences of his actions. With newfound wisdom, Qin Shi vowed to become a better person, to cherish the people who cared for him, and to never repeat the same mistakes.

Although Qin Shi's journey to find Lan Wei didn't end as he had hoped, it marked the beginning of his personal transformation. He returned to China with a changed perspective, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead and make amends wherever possible.
