Looking at the tightly closed door, I was so angry that my heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys all hurt.

The more I thought about it, the more wrong it seemed. Wasn't what my mother-in-law said half of the story that girls in the past were fine as long as they didn't drown?

A few days ago, she adamantly denied favoring sons over daughters, but now she's speaking her mind!

And she even resorts to violence. If my daughter continues to be taken care of by them, she might end up with a few extra needles in her body one day.

Unable to wait for my husband to return from his business trip, I called his phone directly. We must find a nanny and have my in-laws move out!

But every time I called, it was busy.

It wasn't until half an hour later that someone finally answered on the other end, but it was a somewhat lazy female voice.

"Who is this? Jun-ge is busy."

This voice... sent a shiver down my spine.

"I'm his wife! Who are you? Let him answer the phone!"

The tone of the other person didn't change at all, nor did they mention getting Jun-ge.

"Oh? It's Chun-jiao sister, I'm Lily, Jun-ge should have mentioned me to you, right?"

Lily? Jun-ge never mentioned her.

After thinking for a while, I finally pulled a scene from the depths of my memory.

It was a scene where a woman got into the passenger seat of Jun-ge's car and was then kicked out by him.

At that time, Jun-ge was afraid I would be angry, so he swore that Lily was just a colleague, and if he had any other intentions, he would be struck by lightning!

The lightning hasn't struck yet, but I feel like I want to strike them all.

As my anger reached its peak, I suddenly calmed down.

Trying to provoke me? Not a chance.

"What? You never mentioned her name, but you did mention a stray cat named Lily near the factory."

As expected, when I said this, the other person's nonchalant laziness immediately changed.

"You! Ha, what's the use of a sharp tongue? The child in my belly is worth more than words, it's a boy."

After showing off, she pretended to care, "Oh, I know why you contacted Jun-ge, my mother-in-law just told me, sorry, I'm about to give birth, he needs to take care of me."

Now she's bringing up her mother-in-law?

And saying she's about to give birth! If that's true, did Jun-ge cheat on me when I was just pregnant?

Thinking about this, my calmness almost disappeared.

Taking a deep breath to suppress my rising blood pressure, I turned on the recording function and asked, "Is the child in your belly Jun-ge's?"

"Yes." Lily paused for a moment, then her tone returned to its previous state, with a hint of cheerfulness.

"Where are you guys?" I wanted to go over there and confront them face to face.

"Uh, I can't give you the exact address, but we haven't left the city." Lily said before hanging up immediately.

After turning off my phone, I sat in a daze for a long time before coming back to my senses.

Wiping my face, a deep sense of exhaustion swept over me.

It seems like all these years of perseverance have turned into a joke.

The reason I waited until this age to get married was because I adhered to the principle of not settling for less.

Many people said I was picky, that my standards were too high, not knowing that I just didn't want to compromise with those whose values didn't align and couldn't reason with.

Until I met Jun-ge, I thought he had a good character, good looks, and we could communicate well.

Even though his family background wasn't very good, he was intelligent and ambitious.

My family didn't care about societal norms, they even provided a wedding house without asking for anything in return.

My parents even said they might not be able to help much in the future due to their health, so they returned all the dowry given by his family.

And I even added some dowry myself.

Jun-ge has been behaving well since we got married.

But now, after all this time, it turns out he was just pretending?

I can say that I haven't interacted much with my in-laws, but Jun-ge, I really don't want to believe that my judgment was so wrong.

Looking at the location he sent a few days ago, I hesitated.

Gritting my teeth, I sent my daughter to my parents for care, then bought a ticket on the nearest high-speed train to the city where Jun-ge was on a business trip, and found the hotel where they were staying.

If I can't find them here, then it means I really have been blind.

When the receptionist heard what I said, she made a call after saying "please wait."

At that moment, half of my heart instantly sank.

Lily was lying!

At least she was lying about the location of the business trip!
