My sister did not easily accept Chen Chen.

Instead, she kept him hanging, replying to one of his messages each day and ignoring the rest.

Chen Chen is a very self-centered person; the less he can get something, the more he wants it.

So, during this period, he barely paid any attention to Su Mo, focusing all his energy on my sister.

Such opportunities don't come often, which created many chances for me.

For example, I would occasionally have an episode from forgetting to take my medication.

When she went to the bathroom, I propped a mop against the door, and my brother saved her.

When she smoked on the rooftop, I placed a bucket of water on the door, and my brother took the hit for her.


There were too many accidents to count.

And my brother, using this relationship, became Su Mo's emotional support.

She began to actively distance herself from Chen Chen.

Chen Chen is very selfish; he allows himself to change his feelings but won't tolerate his woman betraying him.

So, even though he was infatuated with my sister, he still occasionally used Su Mo to satiate his cravings.

Su Mo was angry but didn't dare to speak out.

Until one time, she couldn't bear it anymore.

She smashed the luxurious support car Chen Chen had arranged for my sister and shouted that she would tear off my sister's "fox skin."

Chen Chen had intended to show off in front of his goddess.

But Su Mo ruined the scene; he slapped her in front of everyone and kicked her out of the practice room.

Su Mo's self-esteem took a huge hit.

She redirected her hateful gaze back at me.

After all, I was quite obedient when I took my medication properly.

So, during a break in training, Su Mo poured a bottle of ice water over my head.

My sister was incredibly distressed, argued fiercely with Su Mo to defend me, and then silently teared up, just as Chen Chen saw.

This was intolerable.

Young Master Chen was highly interested in my sister.

He immediately grabbed Su Mo’s wrist, threw her to the ground, and took the opportunity to kick her twice, venting his anger for me.

That day, Su Mo was the most miserable she had ever been.

Because Chen Chen tied her to a pole on the playground and ordered someone to hose her down with cold water for two hours.

It wasn't until she was soaked through and on the verge of collapse that they let her go.

And the instigator of this affair was still fawning over my sister, trying to win her favor.

Su Mo couldn't handle this blow.

With my brother’s deliberate guidance.

She brought a few people from outside the school to ambush my sister on her way home.

My brother and I hid in the shadows, silently lamenting for Su Mo.

After all, my sister's fighting skills were formidable.

This incident was also recorded and sent to Chen Chen’s phone.

He was furious and took Su Mo to the school’s rooftop.

Su Mo's body was half-hanging over the edge, crying until her voice was hoarse.

But Chen Chen ignored her, his voice cruel as he warned, "Didn't I tell you not to do things that make me unhappy?"

Su Mo was so scared that she wet her pants.

She was truly terrified and begged repeatedly, "I am your girlfriend."

Chen Chen smiled gently, but his actions were extremely rough:

“Girlfriend? You're just a dog that I can play with or kick away whenever I want. Don’t pretend to be some pure, chaste woman; you haven’t forgotten your status as an illegitimate child, have you?”

Finally, the two dogs started to bite each other.

But this was far from enough.

Chen Chen's words almost drove Su Mo to the brink of losing her sanity.

She wished she could eat him alive, her eyes bulging like copper bells.

The next second, she was slapped hard, and blood seeped from the corner of her mouth.

Chen Chen used a lot of force.

But this was just the beginning; many of the bullying tactics Su Mo used on others were learned from Chen Chen.

So, when Chen Chen pressed a cigarette butt against her arm.

Su Mo went completely mad.

She struggled to push the man away but lacked the strength, only able to wail and endure the repeated cigarette burns on her body.

When the pain was unbearable, she finally softened, crying and pleading:

“Young Master Chen, I was wrong, please forgive me, please forgive me.”

She was just like a dog; when Chen Chen was done with his fun, he lost interest.

After all, when a toy becomes boring, it’s time to get a new, more obedient one.

Their statuses were never equal.

With Su Mo mentally shattered after all the torment.

My brother took the opportunity to take her to the hospital and stayed with her for a long time, showing great care.

Su Mo felt an unprecedented sense of care, something she never experienced with Chen Chen; with him, she only felt injustice and wrongs.

My brother handed her a cup of warm water: "Such an unequal relationship is inherently distorted."

Su Mo believed it.

Chen Chen had beaten her badly.

The check-up results showed a minor concussion.

She sat on the hospital bed, her expression gradually changing from confusion to determination.

Finally, she picked up her phone and sent a message to Chen Chen:

【Let’s break up.】

The response came quickly: 【You better not regret it, cry and come begging me later on.】

Su Mo gritted her teeth, typing furiously:

【I will never regret it.】

When I heard this news, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

She would soon regret it, I thought.
