I told a few residents about my idea, and the stray dogs in our community must have a connection with the mischievous child.

His backpack's stains can explain a lot.

However, we don't have any other direct evidence.

At that moment, several cat meows suddenly came from the garden on the first floor.

A chubby British Shorthair lazily walked towards us from the lawn.

Its tail brushed against my leg, and it meowed a few times.

I lowered my head and touched its fluffy chin.

It purred.

Then I noticed a small camera attached to its neck.

"This is little Wang's cat from the 12th floor, and it's even an internet celebrity on Douyin (TikTok)."

"Every day, Little Wang lets the cat out with a camera around its neck, recording the cat's daily life. Many people watch his videos," said the auntie who lives across from me.

A thought suddenly occurred to me.

Since this cat roams outside all the time, could it capture the tracks of other stray dogs and Da Huang (Big Yellow)?

I and the guy from the 13th floor knocked on Little Wang's door.

After explaining the situation, he understood us well.

He said he had been busy with work and hadn't checked the videos yet.

If we needed it, he could make a copy of the videos for us.

I and the guy from the 13th floor watched the videos carefully.

On the night before the cleaning auntie found the dog's corpse, the cat was playing with several stray dogs.

Suddenly, a stone was thrown and hit the stray dog Xiao Bai precisely.

Xiao Bai fell to the ground.

The cat meowed and hid in a corner between the trash cans.

A small figure appeared on the surveillance footage.

He held a brick in his hand and looked down at Xiao Bai on the ground with malicious intent.

Xiao Bai friendly licked the back of his hand, with stars in its eyes.

Animals are like that; they think everyone who approaches them is there to save them.

But this time, it was wrong.

The sound of the brick hitting flesh.

One strike after another.

Xiao Bai didn't even let out a cry of pain.

Until its final moment, it couldn't believe that humans would harm it.

Another stray dog, Xiao Hua, looked at the corpse of its friend Xiao Bai on the ground, whimpering.

The small figure quickly moved towards Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua couldn't escape its fate either.

The witnessing cat let out a mournful cry.

The figure turned around quickly and looked at the cat.

The cat became alert; its head lifted, and it shone its light on the figure's face.

Pale, tender, yet filled with malice towards the world.

It was the mischievous child from the 20th floor.

The cat quickly ran away.

"Dead cat, you are next," he angrily said.

After watching the video for a long time, my heart could never calm down.

How could such a young child cruelly kill so many lives?

How could he bear it?

At the beginning of life, human nature is inherently good.

Is it really so?

Did people become bad later, or were they bad from the start?

Did the environment change people, or did people change the environment?

At that moment, I desperately wished for Ye Wenjie to press the button.

I'm certain that the mischievous child hid Da Huang's body at home. With the recent rise in temperature, the body can't remain hidden.

His best option is to dispose of it at night.

Those of us who lament the deaths of the stray dogs crouched in the blind spot of the first floor's view at midnight.

And as expected.

1 a.m. at night.

The mischievous child and his mother each carried a bag of something and walked towards the trash cans.

"Stupid child, you better be careful. If you get caught, I'll kill you," muttered the mischievous child'smother.

The child nodded obediently.

They approached the trash cans.

The mother opened her bag and threw in some garbage.

The child's bag was smaller and seemed to contain something lighter.

He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly turned around and ran back.

He seemed to have forgotten something.

What did he forget?

My heart raced.

The child ran back to the apartment building and disappeared into the entrance.

A few minutes later, he returned, holding a small object in his hand.

It was a small, white dog plush toy.

My heart sank.

He had brought Da Huang's plush toy.

He put the plush toy into his bag and rejoined his mother at the trash cans.

They left, unaware that they had been observed.

We waited until they were out of sight before approaching the trash cans.

We opened the bags and found what we expected.

There, among the garbage, was Da Huang's lifeless body.

The sight was heartbreaking.

We carefully removed the body and wrapped it in a clean cloth.

We couldn't let it end like this.

We decided to take Da Huang's body to the police and provide them with all the evidence we had gathered.

It was time to bring justice for Da Huang and all the other innocent lives that had been taken.

As we walked towards the police station, carrying Da Huang's lifeless body, I couldn't help but think about the mischievous child.

What had turned him into such a cruel and heartless person at such a young age?

Was it neglect? Abuse? Or was he simply born with a darkness within him?

These questions haunted me as we sought justice for the innocent.

But one thing was clear: we couldn't let his actions go unpunished.

We would do everything in our power to ensure that he faced the consequences of his actions and that no more lives would be lost at his hands.

Justice would prevail.
