Not long after my death, Cui Anren married Zhou Yan.

And the rumors about me became more and more intense.

No one showed me any sympathy.

Everyone believed I married deceitfully for my beauty, while secretly meeting my ex-lover.

Unexpectedly, karma caught up with me. My lover publicly exposed my misdeeds, and I suffered consequences, being disfigured by boiling oil and dying of illness shortly after.

Everyone sympathized with the Cui family, encountering such a despicable person.

As for the cousin I deeply loved.

He used my inheritance as a generous dowry, married Miss Zhou, and acquired a large amount of land and shops.

The couple, talented and beautiful, lived in a grand mansion, living happily like immortals.

Zhou Yan soon bore him children.

In less than two years, he passed the imperial examination, ranking fifty-sixth in the second tier. His father-in-law, Zhou Xuezheng, operated behind the scenes. He didn't have to wait like other scholars; soon after, he was appointed as a local official. After moving to the capital, he climbed the ranks, eventually becoming the Left Assistant Minister of Personnel.

Cui Anren's official career was smooth and glorious.

Of course, he also had unhappy moments.

For instance, he always had his deceased cousin in mind, occasionally drinking and reminiscing, writing a few elegies.

During these times, Zhou Yan would quarrel with him, reminding him that all his glory was bestowed by the Zhou family.

When he wanted to take a concubine resembling my appearance, Zhou Yan shaved the woman's head.

Aunt was so distressed by the situation that she went to live quietly in a temple.

Kneeling on a cushion, she wept and repented to the Buddha: "In the past, for Anren's future, we, mother and son, caused great suffering to Wanwan. That heartless Zhou Yan demanded that Wanwan's appearance and innocence be destroyed... Our Cui family wronged Wanwan. We only hope she can have a better life in her next reincarnation, living smoothly and happily."
