This incident passed like this, and cousin never mentioned anything about the Zhou family again.

A few days later, Aunt and I went out to visit the shops, and also bought some items for the wedding.

Just as I was choosing rouge, a drunkard suddenly rushed out, grabbed my arm, and pulled me into the alley.

I screamed in fear, telling him to let go.

At this moment, a crowd gathered around to watch the commotion.

The man angrily cursed at me, "Ji Wanwan, you deceitful woman, we've been meeting in secret at the Taoist temple for so long, you've cheated me of my people and money, and now you've disappeared."

I sternly rebuked him, "I am an unmarried woman, how dare you slander my innocence, I will report you to the authorities."

The man grabbed my sleeve and scolded me, "You say you are unmarried? Where is your hymen sand?"

With that, the man viciously slapped me.

I couldn't stand steady and fell backwards.

Little did I know, there was a vendor selling fried stinky tofu by the roadside, and I fell right into the hot oil pot.

I distinctly heard the sizzle of the oil, and my face felt like it was being pricked by thousands of needles.

At that moment, I had only one thought, I am disfigured.

Afterwards, I was carried back home in a daze.

Don't think that half of my face being ruined is the worst, no, the worst is yet to come.
