Jiang Huai, Liang Yuwei is back.

Not only that, in the living room, there are a houseful of relatives.

Eldest aunt, second uncle and his wife, third uncle and his wife, even cousin...

Even grandma from the countryside has come.

They all glared at me, as if I had committed an unforgivable crime, Liang Yuwei and Jiang Huai especially.

Seeing their smug and arrogant looks, I instantly understood that this couple had gone behind my back to complain to these relatives.

The first to interrogate me was second uncle, questioning me with a straight face:

"Jiang Yuan, is your head filled with nonsense? Is learning taekwondo meant for bullying your own younger brother and sister-in-law?"

Seeing second uncle stand up for himself, Liang Yuwei and Jiang Huai pretended to look scared, hiding behind second uncle and starting to accuse me:

"Look, this is what sister did."

Liang Yuwei pointed to her own face, even lifting up her brother's shirt to show the bruises on his body to the relatives.

Jiang Huai took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire: "Sister hit me, that's one thing, but when mom intervened and got hurt, she wouldn't let us see mom. We had no choice but to seek everyone's help."

After saying that, he choked up.

Third uncle, who usually favored males over females, couldn't bear it anymore, pointing at me and scolding: "Other people's sisters do everything to protect their younger siblings. But you, not only do you not treat him well, you also go to great lengths to ruin his marriage, leaving the child with no milk to drink, crying loudly. How could our old Jiang family have produced such a malicious creature like you?"

Third aunt covered her mouth and chuckled, echoing third uncle's words and continued: "No need to ask, it's because other people's sisters don't covet their own family's property, she's different."

Eldest aunt also joined in the laughter, sarcastically saying: "Exactly, at her age, I had already married to support my family. Where as she, wanting to drive away her younger brother and sister-in-law to monopolize the property, does she even have any shame left?"

Cousin, upon hearing this, also indignantly stood up, patting his chest and assuring Jiang Huai:

"Cousin, sister-in-law, today we will ensure justice for you, you don't need to fear her."

Their words amused me, raising an eyebrow in retort: "Don't fear me, then what do you want to do? Hold a collective trial against me like in ancient times?"

Liang Yuwei rolled her eyes at me: "We are not as malicious as you. Since you can't tolerate us, for the sake of future peace and to make it easier for mom, we think it's better for you to move out."

Look at that, wanting to kick me out, yet making it sound so noble.

Seems like she's not dumb, quite cunning.

"Why should I be the one to move out?"

My words made everyone laugh, looking at me as if I were a fool.

Finally, it was second uncle who spoke those words:

"Jiang Yuan, don't blame second uncle for being harsh in words, all the property in your family belongs to Jiang Huai, including this house. Now that you and your brother are at odds, the one who will leave is definitely you. In my opinion, sooner rather than later, pack up and leave tonight!"

Even Liang Yuwei wasn't satisfied, she struck a high pose and reminded me:

"Except for your clothes, you are not allowed to take anything in the house, including your jewelry and bank cards. After all, you were raised by the Jiang family, everything you earned belongs to Jiang Huai."

Feeling that Liang Yuwei's words were a bit too much, second aunt jumped in to play the good person:

"Don't worry, Yuan Yuan, you won't be left with nowhere to go, worst case scenario, just find someone to marry! But, the dowry must not be lacking, can't let your mom have raised you for so many years in vain."

Very well, these relatives who favor males over females, I have long stopped wanting to associate with them.

Since we've torn our faces today, then I'll go crazy and show you all.
