After returning to Beijing, after some time, I heard that Xiaochao had been released from prison.

He used the storefront at home to open a breakfast shop.

He would get up before dawn, set up a deep fryer at the entrance, frying dough sticks and sesame balls.

The soy milk was freshly made and cooked, and business gradually picked up.

The breakfast shop was not far from my cousin's mother and baby supplies store.

Someone saw him and my cousin coincidentally on the street, and they nodded to each other.

After school, Xiaochao would still stand at the entrance of Xiaoyun's school lost in thought.

My mom said:

"I always feel that if things continue like this, trouble will come sooner or later.

"Her ex-husband is right at the doorstep, what a mess."

Her words proved to be true.

Xiaochao had a high fever, and the breakfast shop remained closed for several days.

My cousin went to see him and found him unconscious, so she called 120.

This incident couldn't be kept secret, Song Liang found out and harshly beat my cousin.

A colleague, who had lower qualifications than him, reported him to the Women's Federation while competing for a promotion opportunity.

Officials from the Women's Federation came knocking, my cousin's injuries, even covered by a high-necked long-sleeved sweater, couldn't hide the large bruise on her eye socket.

Song Liang was singled out as a negative example and criticized publicly, so he angrily resigned.

A few days later, my phone rang, it was a Beijing mobile number I once knew by heart.

I answered.

The other end said "Hello" and then fell silent.

Through the phone, I could hear the sound of the lake water hitting the rocks.

Song Liang suddenly said, "Vivi, I'm sorry."

His voice was low, filled with regret.

I felt no ripples in my heart.

Time and the power of new love were too strong.

I had changed too.

Someone I once thought I would spend my life with now felt like a complete stranger to me, leaving no scars behind.

Fang Zhizhou was sitting beside me, his hands alternating up and down, giving the little cat a massage with concentration.

The little cat squinted its eyes, purring.

The sunlight was just right, bright but not too hot.

I sighed and decided to say something nice:

"There's no need to say these things anymore, I stopped caring a long time ago.

"You and my sister, take care."

He smiled strangely and said:

"I chose this path myself, what else can I do?

"It's troublesome, really troublesome, I wish I could jump into the lake from the shore.

"But then I feel like it's too easy for those despicable people."

"Being alive is still good." I said palely and continued in silence.

He finally hung up the phone.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking, thankfully, your mess has nothing to do with me.

People have to take responsibility for their choices.

No one is holding a knife to your neck, forcing you to choose this path.

You were just being foolish, thinking life could be as romantic as a movie, and now you regret it.

My relationship with Fang Zhizhou progressed smoothly.

During my first love, in the midst of sweetness, I couldn't imagine being with a second boyfriend.

But when I actually found someone new, I realized it was actually quite good.

Fang Zhizhou was more carefree, relaxed; when faced with unpleasant things, big or small, he often just laughed it off, instead of brooding and overthinking, which used to cast a shadow over me.

Indeed, finding a partner requires broadening one's horizons.
