That night, I couldn't sleep.

I recalled many things from the past.

Cousin was once the darling of the whole family, because she was beautiful since childhood, excelled in singing and dancing, and never showed any stage fright in public performances.

But later, Aunt and Uncle divorced, Uncle might have been depressed, drank too much, collapsed on the street, and unfortunately, caught in a cold snap, a strong and healthy person, froze to death.

Aunt remarried quickly.

Stepfather initially liked her a lot, publicly hugged cousin when drunk.

Cousin looked uncomfortable, but the elders all said, "Your dad really likes you."

Later, the conflict became irreparable, cousin saw stepfather as an enemy.

After I got into a prestigious high school in another city, I intermittently heard news about her from my mom.

She cohabited with someone unmarried, after parents found out, they eloped overnight.

When they returned, she was already pregnant.

Stepfather came to cause trouble, smashed the new house they set up, demanded a dowry of five thousand.

He would often show up at cousin's house to harass them, the couple had to leave their hometown again.

Later, brother-in-law went to jail, step-uncle died suddenly at a mahjong table.

Cousin was left helpless, returned home with two children, and resumed contact with Aunt.

Shortly after returning, she attended my engagement banquet.

Mom said, "Your step-uncle, even if he died a week later, it would still be considered a good deed..."

She said it in a strange and amusing way.

I didn't like step-uncle either.

The first uncle was kind and tall, he used to take us to the zoo, carrying the children on his shoulders in turns.

Of course, the one he carried the longest was his beloved daughter, Yuting.

Step-uncle was different, his eyes were sly, and he was stingy, he would stare at you if you took an extra bite of meat at his house, and when he drank, he would always hold my hand, which I found annoying.

I tossed and turned, couldn't sleep again.

The moonlight shone brightly, I looked at the lines on my palm.

In junior high, a classmate read my palm from a magazine, said the love line and life line intersected, destined to experience a few heartbreaks.

I clenched my fist lightly, thought humorously like Ah Q, "Song Liang is useless to me now."

Let cousin go to the recycling bin, maybe she can still be useful.

Tomorrow, I'll persuade mom to stop worrying about this matter.
