After the affairs in Biancheng were concluded, more than a month had passed.

Yan Shuai returned to his station.

On the day I left, the people of Biancheng saw me off along the way.

Accompanying me was Liang Prefect, who was being sent as an official to the imperial capital.

The people threw rotten eggs and vegetable leaves at him.

I brought him before the emperor just like that, without changing anything.

The courtiers covered their noses in disgust.

The crown prince looked at Liang Prefect with a dark face.

The chief eunuch next to the crown prince frowned and questioned the escorting guards why they didn't clean him up and bring him to the court.

I answered for them.

"It's the will of this palace. Please, Your Highness, see the true sentiment of Biancheng."

A month ago, Yan Shuai accused Liang Prefect of neglecting his duties during a major disaster and embezzling military supplies.

However, despite the conclusion of affairs in Biancheng, the decree to punish Liang Prefect had not been issued.

So I had no choice but to bring him before the crown prince and force him to make a decision.

I knew why the crown prince hesitated.

Three years ago, the crown prince assisted in disaster relief in Biancheng and promoted Liang Prefect to his position.

In the following years, the court sent large amounts of silver to Biancheng and its surroundings for disaster relief, and the officials collected taxes, providing a considerable amount of gold and silver support for the crown prince's ascension.

The crown prince didn't care about how Liang Prefect treated the people.

But if he dealt with him too harshly, wouldn't it chill the hearts of the ministers who had followed him in the beginning?

If Liang Prefect met a bad end, who would dare to work diligently for the crown prince in the future?

Originally, as the ruler of a country, the crown prince could handle such matters lightly if he wanted to.

But the problem lies in the fact that the crown prince is still not firmly established.

And it just so happened that Yan Shuai, the most upright and uncompromising person in the court, encountered this matter.

Yan Shuai didn't immediately behead the prefect but handed the matter over to the emperor, which was the greatest display of loyalty to the monarch.

"Then dismiss Liang Qian from the position of Biancheng Prefect, demote him to a commoner, and never employ him again."

His life was spared.

The crown prince felt that he had compromised to the greatest extent.

Constrained by the generals, he even felt that he was an emperor who was being suffocated.

So he dismissed court early.
