The social activity was held in the form of a lawn afternoon tea, with the requirement that male participants wear formal suits and female participants wear white dresses.

I repeatedly reminded Zhou Moyu, but she still surprised me.

Among the white-dressed girls in the crowd, there was one with a red conspicuous bag that stood out.

She was wearing a big red dress that she had picked up from somewhere, adorned with countless sequins that shimmered in the sunlight, dazzling the eyes.

"Sis, don't I look beautiful today?"

She squeezed her way to my side and said in a slightly loud voice, "After comparing with those girls, I should be more outstanding."

As soon as she said this, several girls around us turned their heads to look at us.

Zhou Moyu was not afraid at all and stood tall.

I felt embarrassed on behalf of her.

"Sis, are the boys who participate in this social activity all good-looking?"

I glanced at the boys across the room and nodded.

"Compared to Xu Mo and my brother, those guys are even more outstanding."

"More impressive than your boyfriend and brother?"

She exclaimed in surprise, her eyes gleaming with delight.

Seeing her reaction, I made a special reminder, "Do you remember what I reminded you last time at home?"

"I remember, I remember."

She blinked her eyes without blinking, staring at the boys on the opposite side, and muttered absentmindedly.

The event staff waved at me, and after chatting with my friends for a while, I turned around and saw Zhou Moyu already standing among the group of boys, smiling incessantly.

Her execution power and confidence really surpass the abilities of ordinary people.

During the event, there was a game for interaction between boys and girls. Since I was just a spectator, I found an excuse not to participate.

The game involved the host holding a bunch of strings, with the boys and girls each pulling a string to determine their partners for the afternoon tea.

Zhou Moyu was excited and screamed, once again drawing curious gazes from the girls around her.

"Okay, everyone, get ready."

The host gave the order, and Zhou Moyu pushed aside the girls around her and was the first to grab a string, shouting excitedly.

"Who! Who is on the other end of my string!"

The boys on the other side also stopped and looked at her.

Feeling the tug on the string in her hand, Zhou Moyu became even more excited and kept screaming. She forcefully pulled the string, causing the boy who lost his balance to stumble forward.

Ignoring the host's objections, she ran to the boys' side and immediately held the hand of the boy.


The boys burst into laughter, while the boy whose hand was held blushed with embarrassment.

Zhou Moyu remained unfazed and pulled the boy to the area for afternoon tea, sitting in the position she had chosen long ago.

"The afternoon tea here is the most expensive and there's the most food. Fortunately, I was fast enough to grab it."

She showed off to the boys on the opposite side.

The boys on the opposite side seemed intimidated by her confident personality and blushed without knowing what to say.

"Let's eat." Zhou Moyu took the initiative to put dessert in his hand.

The host was still explaining the rules of the ice-breaking game, but only they two ignored the rules and went straight to the final step.

The boy hesitated a bit, "I... Isn't this not appropriate for us?"

"What's wrong? They will come over to eat after they finish playing anyway. Let's fill our stomachs first and then play. What's the difference?"

She said casually, tilted her head back and drank the last bit of the grass jelly, burped and asked, "What's your name?"

The boy rubbed his hands and said softly, "Zhao Yang."

"Oh, I'm Zhou Moyu."

She stared at his face and only then did she notice that the boy had delicate features and a bit of a handsome and gentle look, which instantly made her happy.

"Let's exchange contact information, okay?"

Zhao Yang was stunned for a moment, but still took out his phone and opened the QR code for Zhou Moyu to scan.

"Okay, let's keep in touch in the future!"

