I have been locked in a fierce struggle with A Kun for an unknown amount of time, and the tension has been increasing.

Just when I was about to pass out with my eyes rolling back, I suddenly felt a light touch behind me.

I turned around and saw A Kun slumped to the side, while Lao Bai stood behind me, having just knocked out A Kun with a swift hand chop.

He asked me if I was okay.

I barely escaped with my life, coughing until tears and snot covered my face. I couldn't find the words to express my gratitude. All I could think about now was getting out of here with Lao Bai as quickly as possible.

Lao Bai nodded and said the car was up ahead. He would go wait for me in the car and told me to rest up and catch up with him soon.

After he left, I sat on the ground for another half a minute. When I got up and stepped over A Kun's body, I discovered that he had a hidden dagger under his clothes.

A wave of fear and dread washed over me, and I felt a chilling sensation on my entire back.

Damn it, seeing A Kun's face again, I couldn't help but explode with anger.

It's all because of you!

I pulled out his dagger and stabbed him twice, spitting a thick phlegm on his body. Only then did I feel some relief.

I quickly wiped the blood off A Kun's clothes and got up, running in the direction of Lao Bai.

But after running a few steps, I realized there was no car ahead, and Lao Bai was standing in the distance, motionless.

Panic filled my heart, and I hurriedly ran over to him and asked, "Where's the car?"

He didn't answer me; instead, he just stared at me intently, giving me an eerie look.

I became furious and shouted, "Where the hell is the car!"

Lao Bai revealed a sinister smile and said, "Did you really think you could leave?"

In an instant, my mind went blank, and I suddenly seemed to understand a lot of things.

Dragon Brother said he only found out today that Fei Ge was killed by me, and it was Lao Bai who revealed the secret!

He knows everything; it's all him!

Seeing my expression, Lao Bai smiled with satisfaction and said, "Baldy was right. In Perfect City, no one can leave."

I went crazy and shouted, "No! I'll find the police. I'd rather be sentenced again! You can't cover everything up!"

"I can call the police for you," Lao Bai took out his phone, "but I forgot to tell you that any crimes committed in Perfect City will be counted as part of your sentence in Perfect City. That's why bad people can't leave Perfect City."

"I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything. It was all their doing!" I screamed hysterically.

"Really?" Lao Bai looked in the direction I had come from.

I immediately realized why he arrived so timely. He had been watching everything all along.

The dagger was left by Lao Bai, intended to make me lose control and kill A Kun.

"You fucking betrayed me!" I lunged at Lao Bai, but he pushed me away.

"Everything was your own choice, wasn't it?"

"So, from the beginning, you set me up?"

"From the moment I let you into Perfect City, even if your father is rich, he can't help you. This is a different world."


"Do you remember the innocent girl you implicated? Her face was ruined, and her life was ruined forever."

I finally started to panic, "But, but it wasn't intentional, and I can compensate her with money."

Lao Bai's expression finally changed, too. "A young girl in the prime of her life, her face destroyed. How can she live on? "

I dared not ask any further. Lao Bai turned away, facing into the distance.

"A bastard who ruined lives for a lifetime only sits in jail for three years. He got off too cheap. Do you know what price I had to pay to deceive your father and bring you here?"

In the distance, the sound of a car came closer. "Come with me and turn yourselfin. Face the consequences of your actions."

Tears streamed down my face as I realized the gravity of my situation. There was no way out. I had been trapped in Perfect City, a place where my past crimes caught up with me and where I was destined to face the consequences.

With a heavy heart, I followed Lao Bai towards the approaching car, ready to face the justice I had long evaded.
