"Back at school, the security guard spat at me."

"Now all my information is online—what college and class I'm in, family details, every little thing."

"The security guard remembers my dad well, so naturally, he recognized me."

"My classmates pointed fingers at me, and a girl from some other college ran up and slapped me."

"I didn't fight back."

"I just walked straight to the counselor's office."

"From the counselor to the dean, every teacher spoke with me. Several times they almost said they'd call your parents."

"Then they remembered there's no one left in your family and sighed."

"'I understand your situation, and I sympathize, including your donation of a hundred dollars before.'"

"'But, you can't lose faith in society just because of one terrible thing. Even if you think this incident is fake, or a publicity stunt, you can't validate people's intentions like that. Do you understand?'"

"The dean sighed heavily, giving me his final lecture."

"I nodded as I listened."

"'The school's decision is final; you won't be able to keep your enrollment. Go through the withdrawal process yourself tomorrow, since you have no family left.'

"'Also, you should go to the police station promptly; they're quite eager about it.'

"I nodded again without saying a word."

"That night, when I lay on my dorm bed, none of my roommates spoke to me."

"They all sighed."

"There are six of us in the dorm, and our relationship is usually very good. After such an incident, they didn't scold me, but they didn't console me either."

"Maybe they were conflicted inside."

"'Lao Wu, do you have any money left?' asked the dormitory head."

"'Yes, I do.'

"'If you're really in trouble, you should tell us.'

"'Thank you, Lao Da.'

"A notification of funds received popped up on my phone."

"'Lao Wu, we pitched in and collected a hundred dollars for you. Donate this money to that person. By doing so, maybe you'll get less criticism.'

"I looked at the money that had just arrived in Alipay, my eyes moist."

"I didn't expect them to give me money at this time. They are truly lifelong good brothers."

"I returned the money as it came."

"'Thank you, brothers. I still feel I did nothing wrong.'

"After saying this, Second Brother turned over, loudly cursing, 'Damn it!' and ignored me."

"The dormitory head sighed deeply, not knowing what else to say."

"Fourth Brother sighed too, 'I know Zhang Heng's grandson caused you a lot of stress with that damn thing. Take it as a lesson. There's no need to think that all requests for help are false.'

"'Yeah, yeah, you don't need to be so extreme.'

"Third Brother, who hadn't spoken all along, also chimed in, 'You don't know, when you came home after this incident, Second Brother found trouble with Zhang Heng and just got written up.'

"'Are you going to blame that asshole?' Second Brother sat up abruptly, 'What the fuck are you going to do with him? Even if you donate the money, what good does it do? This matter has blown up like this; she can't be a scammer. You can't be biased against everyone just because you got scammed once.'

"'I'm going to sleep. Thanks, brothers.' I was afraid to speak more, or I'd start crying.

"'Fuck off and sleep, damn it, you sleep!' Second Brother was furious, jumping down from the upper bunk, 'You better get out of here; don't stay in the dorm; I'm pissed just looking at you.'

"The others quickly restrained Second Brother, afraid he'd hit me.

"I got up and packed my things, 'Okay, I'm leaving.'

"After closing the dorm door, I soon heard Second Brother's furious roar inside.

"'Why are you all holding me back? Why aren't you all going out to find him?'"
