When Lord Long and Uncle Gui saw me, their faces were full of surprise.

They could not have imagined that in just two months, I would be standing in front of them again, already at a level where I could sit and talk with them as equals.

What surprised them even more was that, even without their help, I had already started to implement the plan to take down Brother Mai. The first step was to infiltrate their organization.

With a gesture, I invited Lord Long and Uncle Gui to sit at the table again, Little Representative was puzzled, but also sat down with them.

I dismissed all my subordinates, leaving just the five of us in the room today to discuss a matter of life and death.

"I want to do something, and I invite everyone to join me..."

I presented the major issue I had mentioned two months before once again.

Lord Long and Uncle Gui just kept their heads down and ate without saying a word, while Little Representative was sweating profusely, wiping the sweat off his sleeves.

He regretted coming to this meeting today very much, as every word I spoke could be deadly. Little Representative looked around, trying to read something from the two senior's faces, but the two of them were completely focused on eating and gave no feedback at all.

"I have a plan now to obtain evidence from Brother Mai that would be detrimental to everyone, but I need everyone's cooperation."

No one spoke, and the only sound was the two of them eating. So I had to continue speaking.

"I have Brother Mai's child, and he doesn't even know it." At this point, I clearly felt Lord Long and Uncle Gui's hands pause while picking up food. "Under current medical conditions, the child is Brother Mai's only hope for a cure. As soon as I release this news, he will stop at nothing to find the child. At that time, as long as everyone can hold the line, Brother Mai will only be able to use his most trusted trump card - Xia."

"Xia" has always been a mysterious presence. Brother Mai stored all the evidence he collected with "Xia". If Brother Mai were to suddenly die, "Xia" would not hesitate to hand over the evidence.

This is why the four leaders are afraid of Brother Mai, hate him, and yet dare not resist him.
