Early the next morning, Yan Qin still hadn't gotten out of bed.

Seeing that she was going to be late for class, I decided to pat her bedside, finally waking her up from her slumber.

"Oh, what's going on? Didn't my alarm go off?"

I shrugged helplessly, "Why didn't it go off? It has been ringing for a long time. I thought you heard it."

Yan Qin, looking exhausted, climbed out of bed, "I'm so tired. Why did I sleep so deeply today?"

Pretending ignorance, I said, "You just had a major surgery yesterday. You must be very weak. Maybe you shouldn't go to class recently and rest well in the dorm."

Yan Qin looked puzzled and muttered softly, "That's not right. I've already bought my life."

Then she turned to me, "Cong Xue, are you sure you've spent all the red envelopes from yesterday?"

I nodded firmly, "I've spent them all. Why do you ask? If you need money, I can transfer some to you."

Yan Qin waved her hands, "No, no, it's okay. I still have to go to class. The final exams are coming soon, and I can't afford to delay."

Yan Qin has always had excellent grades, ranking first in the class since enrollment, although I have never seen her study.

In the morning, Yan Qin's spirits were not very good, and she kept her head down, looking drowsy.

Back in the dorm at noon, Yan Qin checked her schedule and sighed in relief, "The afternoon is a big class, so I'm not going. This teacher never takes attendance. I need to catch up on some sleep."

However, in an unexpected turn of events, the teacher in the afternoon decided to randomly call on students to answer questions, and out of over three hundred students in the major, Yan Qin was chosen.

Seeing Yan Qin absent, the teacher angrily said, "I've only called on someone once this semester, and I caught you. I'll deduct all your participation points."

After learning about this, Yan Qin hurried to plead with the teacher, but she returned with a despondent face after a while.

"It's over, it's over. This teacher is notoriously difficult. I might fail this course."

Seeing Yan Qin looking miserable, I also felt puzzled and quietly recalculated that strange calculation in my mind.

The result of the calculation startled me.

Wow, that calculation not only indicated a lecherous ghost but also a jinxed one.

Now things were getting interesting. With the jinxed ghost around, Yan Qin was probably going to have a streak of bad luck.

For several consecutive nights, the jinxed ghost appeared right at midnight and climbed onto Yan Qin's bed.

Yan Qin's condition worsened, with a pale face, listless expression, and struggling to catch her breath after walking a few steps.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Yan Qin came to question me again.

"Cong Xue, tell me the truth. Did you really spend that red envelope?"

I helplessly replied, "Sister, I really did spend it. But why do you keep asking? What do you want to do?"

Yan Qin continued to press, "How did you spend it? Tell me."

I innocently said, "I burned it for my ex-boyfriend. Oh, my ex-boyfriend died tragically. He was secretly dating over a dozen girlfriends, spending money on them, and eventually died exhausted in another woman's bed. He's probably a lecherous ghost even after death, unable to reincarnate. Although I hate him, we once loved each other. After accompanying you to the hospital yesterday, I thought of my ex-boyfriend and burned the red envelope you gave me for him. Qin Qin, you don't mind, do you?"

After speaking, I struggled to hold back my laughter, watching Yan Qin's face turn pale and then red, her mouth wide open but unable to speak, before she turned and ran out of the dorm.
