When I was born, I could already call out "mom" and "dad."

My parents were terrified, thinking it was an auditory hallucination. But after we returned home from the hospital, I could feed myself and crawl on my own.

My mom complained that the rent had increased again, and the money in her hands was not enough.

I blinked my eyes, and suddenly there was an extra ten thousand yuan in my mom's wallet.

I babbled and told her that if they ever needed more money, they should just tell me, and I would help them get it.

My mom looked at the money in her wallet with immense joy, took it out and counted it over and over again, then hugged and kissed me like crazy.

My dad was also stunned, clutching the money, looking at me in disbelief. "Could it be that our daughter is a reincarnated immortal?"

My mom held me tightly and couldn't bear to let go. "It must be because we've accumulated virtue, so heaven has given us such a smart daughter."

I became the treasure of our family. I grew up very quickly, and by the age of five, I was already about the same size as a fifteen-year-old child.

To avoid others noticing something was amiss and fearing that I would be taken away as a monster, my parents moved dozens of times in these five years, making it difficult to encounter familiar faces and reveal my changes.

During these five years, my parents had an abundance of money thanks to my special abilities. They started by giving me a few thousand or tens of thousands of yuan, but later, their appetite grew. They weren't satisfied with renting regular houses; they thought since we had to move around anyway, why not rent a nicer villa?

Fortunately, the rent for a better villa was only a few tens of thousands of yuan for half a year, which was easy for me to obtain.

However, as the number of times I used my abilities accumulated, I often felt headaches. One day, when my mom asked me for another one hundred thousand yuan, I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a severe headache and fainted to the ground.

When I woke up, I was still lying on the floor, and there was a pile of banknotes scattered around me.

An transparent framework appeared before my eyes. It was the first time I saw the world inside my brain.

That world told me I was a person with extraordinary abilities.

An extraordinary person is someone born with unique abilities. My brain is an evolved version of the average human brain, which is why I grow much faster than a normal human being.

This explains why I looked like a child of several years old at birth and why, at the age of five, I already had the appearance of a fifteen-year-old human.

Moreover, my special abilities kept evolving. The money my parents obtained was randomly transferred from somewhere in the world by my abilities. The speed was extremely fast, the distance was far, and it was completely random, so it couldn't be traced.

However, my evolution had its limits. My parents' constant demands exceeded the capacity of my body. With such frequent use of my special abilities, I couldn't bear it anymore.

The world inside my brain appeared to protect me and told me because we are connected, if I continued to use my abilities so frequently, I would end up like an overloaded machine, becoming useless.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel scared. "Will I die?"

The world inside my brain buzzed, "Yes, master."

"So, master needs to rest. When the master completes the evolution, the number of times the special abilities can be used will also increase."

I nodded and asked again, "How do I evolve?"

The world inside my brain replied, "Master can study human books. Master's learning speed is faster than that of humans. Once the master gains enough knowledge, you can replace your own chips and components, just like humans update their phones and computers, refreshing the system every once in a while."

"Master, the internal core of extraordinary individuals is the same as that of robots. However, you haven't learned any knowledge in these five years, falling behind other extraordinary individuals. If the master wants to survive, you must start learning."

I instantly caught the keyword, "Are there others like me?"

The world inside my brain replied, "Yes, there are hundreds of extraordinary individuals on this Earth. Extraordinary individuals can only survive by continuously evolving; otherwise, they are easily captured and takenadvantage of."

I made up my mind. I would start learning and evolving to protect myself and my family.

From that day forward, I immersed myself in books. I devoured knowledge, learning at an astonishing speed. I studied subjects ranging from science and technology to history and philosophy.

As I grew older, my appearance caught up with my age. I could easily pass as a teenager, but my mind was far beyond my physical years.

With my newfound knowledge, I began to understand the world better. I realized that my abilities were not just limited to obtaining money.

I could manipulate objects with my mind, control elements, and even heal injuries. My powers were vast and ever-expanding.

However, I also discovered that I was not the only one evolving. There were other extraordinary individuals out there, each with their own unique abilities.

Some used their powers for good, helping others and making the world a better place. Others, however, used their powers for personal gain and wreaked havoc.

I decided to use my abilities for the greater good, to protect the innocent and uphold justice.

I became a vigilante, using my powers to fight crime and bring criminals to justice. My actions caught the attention of the media, and I became known as the "Mystic Guardian."

As Mystic Guardian, I used my powers to stop robberies, apprehend murderers, and protect the weak.

But I didn't stop there. I realized that there were deeper issues in the world that needed to be addressed.

I used my influence and resources to tackle larger problems, such as poverty, inequality, and environmental destruction.

I established charitable organizations, funded research for renewable energy sources, and advocated for social justice.

As the Mystic Guardian, I became a symbol of hope and inspiration for many. People looked up to me and believed that positive change was possible.

Over time, more extraordinary individuals emerged, and together, we formed a network of superheroes, each using our unique gifts to make a difference.

The world was changing, and I was proud to be a part of it.

My journey continues, as I strive to create a better world for everyone, using the extraordinary abilities that I was born with.
