All the envoys and princes from various countries have entered the capital, and tonight is the state banquet.

The flowing silver and rare items have filled the national treasury, and I am discussing the renewal of the treaty with the King of Beifeng.

The meeting went smoothly, to put it simply.

We had a pleasant conversation and quickly reached an agreement.

One by one, we successfully signed alliances with other countries, and the entire court was filled with a sense of peace.

I entered the Queen's palace in a rather good mood, only to hear the voices of a few people inside.

The Queen's voice was full of reluctance: "Are you leaving soon?"

"Yes, after all, I don't belong here."

Is the Ning Consort leaving?

"But your brother is a complete sister-con! If you disappear out of thin air, will he really not send troops to engage in friendly talks?" Qiqing was as noisy as ever.

"No, the alliance has been signed, that is a premium system, guaranteeing peace for at least several hundred years."

"Wuwuwu, but we all will miss you so much."

These were the parting words of the sisters.

I withdrew my foot that was about to step over the threshold and turned to leave.

At the evening state banquet, I took a bite of the dishes on the table and immediately recognized the craftsmanship of Anran Palace, the delicious taste earning praises from other countries.

In the dance floor, there were novel dances and songs, clearly choreographed by Qiqing.

The officials of both countries raised their glasses in celebration, enjoying the harmonious atmosphere.

Out of the corner of my eye, I looked at the Queen beside me, who seemed somewhat distracted.

I knew she was still worried about her brother's safety.

After days of tracking and investigation, I was certain that the Prime Minister was colluding with foreign powers.

Before the banquet began, I had ordered Black Wind and others to sneak into the Prime Minister's study.

Whether to kill or seize, I didn't care, but today I needed to know what unspeakable things were hidden there.

At that moment, Zhou Qinghai whispered a few words in my ear, and I knew the trap was set.

I raised my glass in a distant toast to the Prime Minister at the lower end, the wine spreading between my lips, and I laughed heartily.

That night, the ironclad evidence of his treason was presented before me.

He was convicted of multiple crimes, and I temporarily ordered his confinement in the dungeon, waiting for the envoys to return to their countries with the alliance.

I kept only the envoys from Riqian country, inviting them to witness the fate of our country's traitor.

He was executed by a thousand cuts, a gruesome death.

It was both a warning and a deterrent, and I sent them off with a smile, trembling and pale-faced.

After dealing with the Prime Minister's affairs, I had the remaining few of his accomplices all executed.

For those with less severe involvement, they were either demoted or exiled.

For a while, talents were scarce in the court, so I took the opportunity to issue a decree allowing men and women to attend school together.

I even held a national examination, where men and women took the test together.

Among them were excellent women, to whom I granted titles as female officials as usual.

This greatly inspired the public's enthusiasm for taking the imperial examination and entering government service.
