Recently, companies of all sizes are recruiting new employees for the fall season. The school has also specially allocated space for various companies to hold lectures.

Among them is the Gu family's enterprise, with the speaker being Gu Heng.

Many people know they can't get into the Gu family, but because of Gu Heng, the lecture hall is already full before the scheduled time.

When I arrived, I found only a seat left in the last corner.

During this time, I couldn't find Gu Heng anywhere. He didn't reply to my messages or answer my calls, so I had to come to the lecture venue to confront him.

Because of the article on the forum, many people recognized me, showing disdain on their faces, and some even pointed fingers and whispered to each other.

"Didn't she dump Gu Heng a few days ago? How can she still show her face here?"

"I heard someone even captured a video of it..."

"Really? I need to see it!"

"Me too."


The voices became more and more embarrassing. After the last post was taken down, I wanted to ask a senior for help to clarify things, but unfortunately, I heard the senior was sent on a business trip and I've been trying to contact him these past few days.

I pretended not to hear and walked towards the back of the classroom. At that moment, there was a commotion behind me.

As I turned around, I saw Gu Heng walking into the classroom with a cold expression on his face. For today's lecture, he specially wore a handmade suit, making his already stern face even more imposing.

Shen Yuan followed him briskly, smiling and chatting away.

Gu Heng ignored her, but seemed to notice my gaze. He turned his head slightly, met my eyes briefly, then quickly looked away, his attitude very cold.

I sighed, confirming that he was indeed upset with me.

If he was really angry with me, he wouldn't be wearing the tie I gave him.

But Shen Yuan didn't know that. Thinking Gu Heng was ignoring me, she looked very pleased and even provocatively sat next to me.

"Lin Wan, aren't you interning at a company that competes with Gu Heng's? What are you doing here?"

"Gu Heng is my boyfriend, and I am his girlfriend. Isn't it normal for me to be here?" I replied calmly.

"Girlfriend?" Shen Yuan suddenly laughed, "A girlfriend who plays both sides?"

I glanced at her without saying a word.

Shen Yuan continued, "To tell you the truth, I met Gu Heng alone a few days ago. After he found out about the post, he was very angry. He has nothing to do with you now."

"You should break up with him quickly, or you might end up being kicked out in the end, which would be embarrassing."

I remained calm, "Shen Yuan, don't think I don't know that you fabricated and posted the article on the forum."

Shen Yuan chuckled, "What a joke. What does that have to do with me? I'm busy with my internship and company matters every day, I don't have time for this."

As she spoke, she averted her eyes nervously.


Quite clever.

She knows to prevent me from recording.

"You know deep down if you posted it or not."

"Do you think by doing this, Gu Heng will break up with me? Or do you think this will make Gu Heng look at you more favorably?"

"Let's not talk about your childhood. You're an adult now. If you continue with these underhanded methods, you might end up burning yourself. The one who will suffer in the end is you."

"You don't know, do you? What Gu Heng hates the most, and what I hate the most, are people who are foolish but still think they are clever."

"Who are you calling foolish!"

Shen Yuan exploded in anger.

Students around us turned to look at her.

Realizing she had lost control, Shen Yuan quickly forced a smile and apologized to everyone.

Then, she gritted her teeth and said angrily to me, "Let me tell you the truth, I'm prettier than you, gentler than you, I understand his heart better than you, I know what he wants, and he will eventually like me."

"And today, Gu Heng will announce the breakup with you here."

I almost laughed but managed to hold it in, kindly reminding her, "He won't like you."

"A normal relationship is built on equality between both parties, but you and him don't have that."

"By constantly trying to please him, you might not only fail to achieve your goal but also achieve the opposite."

Shen Yuan scoffed lightly, clearly not believing my words.

However, she soon did.

After Gu Heng finished talking about the values of the Gu Group and the type of people they need, he coldly uttered, "There is a type of person that the company doesn't need."

"Or rather, any company wouldn't need."

The audience below didn't understand and started discussing in low voices.

"Mr. Gu, what kind of person is that?" a student stood up and asked.

Shen Yuan looked at me, her expression increasingly smug and arrogant.

She thought Gu Heng would target me.

But in the next moment, her smile froze.
