My roommates wanted to speak well of Gu Heng in front of me, but I stopped them and told them that I believe in Gu Heng. Let's turn the page on this matter and not mention it again.

But, that's easier said than done.

This matter can't be turned over so easily.

I could have overlooked it when Shen Yuan harassed Gu Heng before, but now she wants to sow discord between us in front of me. It would be too unfair to let her off the hook, wouldn't it?

What's more, I have a feeling that something is off.

Shen Yuan said the necklace was a gift from Gu Heng. The confident tone she used didn't sound like she was lying.

But I also believe in Gu Heng. He wouldn't deceive me.

So where did this necklace come from...

While I was contemplating, my phone suddenly vibrated twice.

I opened it and found that Shen Yuan had sent me a picture.

One was the homepage of Gu Heng's shopping app, and the other was the order for the necklace.

Before I could look closely, the pictures were quickly retracted.

[Sorry, I sent it by mistake. It was meant for a friend. You didn't see it, right?]

[Gu Heng and I really have a normal relationship. Don't think too much.]


Shen Yuan sent me a few more apologies, but I could tell that she was trying to sow discord between us in her words.

I ignored her and immediately opened the shopping app, logging into Gu Heng's account.

I have backups of all of Gu Heng's account passwords, even his bank card's password.

Even my parents don't know about this.

I joked with him before, asking if he wasn't afraid that I would transfer all his assets away. He casually replied, "You won't."

His unconditional trust almost brought me to tears, and then he added self-assuredly, "I know that in your heart, I'm definitely more important than all that money."

I was speechless.

But deep down, I was a little touched.

The account was quickly logged in, and I opened the order section.

There was actually a necklace in the list.

After thinking for half a second while looking at the order, I decided to check the payment method. When I saw the account used for payment, I couldn't help but furrow my brow.

After some thought, I got up from the bed and walked up to Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan was still taking selfies while wearing the necklace, seemingly unaware that I would approach her. She was slightly stunned.

"Where did you get Gu Heng's account from?" I asked without hesitation, coldly questioning.

Shen Yuan's eyes darted around and she pretended to be at ease, saying, "He sent it to me."

I scoffed.

"You better tell the truth. Theft charges can be filed as long as the amount reaches ten thousand."

"I don't understand what you mean."

"The account used for payment is one that he rarely uses, but it defaults to that card in the payment options. If he's the one paying, he would never use that card unless someone unfamiliar with his habits took his phone and placed an order without his knowledge."

This matter was no longer simply about giving a necklace as a gift.

Either Gu Heng's account information had been leaked, or someone had stolen his phone. Either way, it was not a trivial matter.

"I don't know what you're talking about. How would I know his habits?"

Shen Yuan muttered a few words, shifting her eyes uneasily, and continued taking photos.

I directly grabbed her phone and tossed it onto the table.

Shen Yuan became angry and embarrassed.

"Lin Wan, what's gotten into you? What account, what card? I don't know what you're talking about."

"You'd better tell the truth. Even if it's just to release a piece of news about stealing, once the amount exceeds ten thousand, it can be reported to the police."

"I don't understand what you're talking about. He gave me this thing, and if you're unhappy about it, go find him and make a scene. Why are you taking it out on me?"

I stared at Shen Yuan with a solemn expression, my voice filled with determination.

"I will find out the truth. Whether you're involved in this or not, I will get to the bottom of it."

Shen Yuan's face turned pale, and she started to panic.

"Lin Wan, you can't just accuse me without any evidence. I didn't do anything wrong."

"I'll find the evidence."

I didn't give Shen Yuan a chance to defend herself any further. I turned around and left the room, determined to uncover the truth behind Gu Heng's account and the mysterious necklace.

As I walked down the hallway, my mind was filled with questions and doubts. How did Gu Heng's account information get leaked? Did someone steal his phone? And most importantly, who gave Shen Yuan the necklace?

I decided to start by talking to Gu Heng. He deserved to know what was happening, and together we would figure out the truth.

After reaching Gu Heng's room, I knocked on the door and waited anxiously. A few moments later, the door opened, and Gu Heng stood before me, looking surprised to see me.

"Lin Wan, what brings you here?" Gu Heng asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Gu Heng, we need to talk," I said, my voice serious.

Gu Heng nodded and invited me inside his room. I took a seat on the chair while Gu Heng sat on the bed, his eyes fixed on me.

"What's the matter, Lin Wan? You seem troubled," Gu Heng said, reaching out to hold my hand.

I took a deep breath and began explaining everything that had happened. From Shen Yuan's accusations to the pictures she sent me, and the discovery of the necklace in Gu Heng's account orders.

Gu Heng listened attentively, his expression changing from surprise to concern.

"I had no idea about any of this, Lin Wan. I would never give Shen Yuan a necklace or share my account information with anyone," Gu Heng said firmly.

I believed him. Gu Heng had always been honest and trustworthy, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

"I believe you, Gu Heng. But we need to find out who's behind all this," I said, determination filling my voice.

Gu Heng nodded, his grip on my hand tightening.

"We'll get to the bottom of this together, Lin Wan. I won't let anyone come between us," he said, his voice filled with determination.

I felt a sense of relief knowing that Gu Heng was by my side. We would face this challenge together and uncover the truth, no matter what.

With renewed determination, I stood up from the chair and looked into Gu Heng's eyes.

"Let's start by reporting the incident to the authorities and conducting a thorough investigation. We won't rest until we find out who's responsible," I said, my voice unwavering.

Gu Heng nodded, a determined expression on his face.

"I'm with you, Lin Wan. We'll fight for the truth and protect our relationship," he said, determination and love shining in his eyes.

Together, we walked out of the room, ready to face the challenges ahead and uncover the truth behind the mysterious necklace and the betrayal that threatened to tear us apart.
