One day, I had to work for at least twelve hours, from eight in the morning until ten at night.

If I didn't take a break at noon, I could leave work a little earlier.

He Xiaoman noticed my declining spirit.

She advised me to take a few days off, but I firmly shook my head, "No, I can't."

As soon as I stop to rest for a second, I feel like I would fall off a cliff from behind, shatter into pieces, and never be able to climb back up.

She came up with an idea for me, saying, "You can start live streaming. Try posting videos for a few days, filming your daily life or even doing eating broadcasts."

"My company is in the new media industry and is currently hiring. You should give it a try. It's a long-term solution. Even while you're in school, you can earn money."

So, I went from working one job a day to working two jobs a day.

I dug up my old account, and He Xiaoman's acquaintance helped package the rest because I joined the guild, allowing me to start live streaming directly.

The original split for the live stream revenue was 60-40, but the boss temporarily waived her share of the guild commission, saying she would discuss it once I started making big money.

I could only go live during lunch and dinner breaks.

On the first day of streaming, I received ten yuan in gifts. When I saw the familiar ID on the screen, I couldn't hide my smile.

Round and Full: [The host is so pretty, eating so appetizingly!]

Under her comment was a message from a stranger.

Just Eating Sour Oranges: [Keep it up, host.]

Later, He Xiaoman became my sidekick, making my solo performances less lonely.

Every night when I returned to He Xiaoman's house, I would start editing videos. Sometimes, my eyes would involuntarily close due to exhaustion.

When a person is extremely tired, they don't even feel it when their phone hits their face.

The next morning, He Xiaoman, who had stayed up all night, had dark circles under her eyes but still smiled at me.

She turned the screen towards me and said, "I stayed up all night learning how to edit videos. Now I'm proficient at it, so you can just send me the videos to edit from now on."

I felt a surge of gratitude and hugged her leg, tears welling up in my eyes.

She ruffled my hair and gently said, "What's there to thank for? We're comrades, Round and Full."

Every time she called me "Round and Full," her tone would slightly rise at the end, as if carrying an accent unique to another city.

If I had to guess the city, it might be somewhere in the Jiangnan region, where the soft and melodious tone could only come from a place with water and mountains.

And so, day after day, the boss would occasionally give me pointers.

While I worked during the day, He Xiaoman would take time to edit the videos from the previous day.

At night, when I returned from work, we would snuggle on the small couch together, watching short videos made by others.

We didn't even need to lie down to sleep; we would just lean against each other, wrapped in the same blanket.

This kind of life made me feel incredibly at peace.

Everything was orderly.

When the factory paid our salaries, my short videos suddenly went viral.

Overnight, I gained over five hundred thousand new followers.

As He Xiaoman and I counted the number of fans together, we were both stunned. We simultaneously said, "One, ten, hundred, thousand, million... ten thousand."

My boss called me, screaming, "Round and Full! Zhang Yuanyuan! You're famous!"

Her ecstatic voice came through the phone, hitting my eardrums.

My heart pounded, and I repeated her words to myself, "Zhang Yuanyuan, you're famous."

One's luck is a mysterious thing.

Fortunes change, and good times arrive after bad.

At that moment, I suddenly believed that God was fair. He gave me a bizarre and absurd family background but didn't truly mistreat me or take away all my opportunities.

When I went live the next day, the gifts and rewards poured in.

I nervously watched the scrolling comments, thanking each person and telling them not to spend money.

To match the enthusiasm of my fans, I started dedicating time to studying short videos, making my daily recordings more and more professional.

When the factory's salary combined with the income from the short videos, I had saved up fifteen thousand yuan.

When He Xiaoman asked if I still wanted to work at the factory, I firmly nodded.

I had to go, I must go.
