My parents, in front of my uncle, started spouting nonsense with their eyes wide open.

My mom smiled and said, "Jiacheng has a good personality, lively and likable, unlike that dead girl in our family who can't do anything right."

My dad lit a cigarette for my uncle and chimed in, "Big brother, high school exams are tough, Jiacheng is doing well already, but if Yuanyuan goes to high school, she probably won't even score a few points!"

I was doing my homework.

The door was not closed, their voices came from the inner room.

Whenever it involves my cousin, my parents not only scold me but also compare me to her, then go on to say I'm worthless.

Anything that can be shared must be given to my cousin, things that can't be shared go to her first.

If my cousin likes something of mine, no matter how much I like it, I have to give it up.

Every time I show reluctance, I get scolded, and my parents even say I'm stingy.

They even said they would rather let me starve to death than not give the last bite of food to my cousin.

Every time they bring home gifts and treats, I always think they are for me, but in the end, I realize I was just being delusional.

My cousin, playing on the sofa with her phone, glanced at me with a mocking and sneering look in her eyes.

My parents belittle themselves, belittle me, constantly sacrifice and sacrifice again, only to end up being looked down upon even more.

They have no principles, no limits, always thinking that this will please others.

But people always pick on the weak, they are the weakest link in this world, so everyone is eager to come and trample on them.

I clenched my fists, slammed the pen on the table with a "bang," and got up, heading straight towards the inner room.

With three quick steps, the burning anger in my chest forced me to walk faster, my feet felt like they were on fire wheels.

My mom noticed my unfriendly face as I rushed in, immediately frowned, muttering, "What is that dead girl up to again?"

My mom tried to grab my arm, but I shook her off, shouting, "How am I worthless? I'm always in the top three in every exam, she ranks fifth from the bottom, our total scores almost don't add up to my leftover points!"

"You try to please everyone every day, but in the end, no one really cares about you, let alone respects you!"

My words came out like a machine gun, rapid and sharp.

My parents bow and scrape like servants outside, but at home, one acts like an emperor, the other like a queen.

My uncle's face changed when he heard me, he flicked the cigarette butt to my feet, slammed the table and stood up, shouting, "Do you have the right to speak when adults are talking? How dare you talk to your elders like that!"

As expected, my dad and mom, seeing my uncle angry, acted in perfect harmony, one started pulling the belt from his waist, the other began holding my arm.

My mom scolded me, my dad prepared to strike.

The familiar process, the familiar routine, but something was different this time.

I glared at my parents with red eyes, staring at them fiercely, clenching my teeth, trying hard to swallow back every painful cry that almost escaped.

My vision darkened, as if it was an endless night waiting for the sun to rise.

I forced myself to keep my eyes wide open, to look closely at their fierce faces at this moment.

At that moment, I hoped they would live a long life, never needing me to take care of them.
