Two days later, Wang Fan returned, and the first sentence he said made my heart sink.

"Have you seen Li Xiaoying?"

I remained silent.

He ran his hand through his hair to cover his missing ear and joked, "In every aspect, Lu Yage is no match for you. I never really liked her, but having her as a lover for a change of taste isn't bad. It's quite interesting that you're investigating me behind my back."

Pointing to the piece of ear missing at his temple covered by hair, he said, "Tang Yue, you are my wife, and you shouldn't think about going anywhere in this lifetime."

Then he repeated his old tricks.

The hellish torture made me almost grind my teeth to pieces. I really wanted to stab him in the heart with a knife.

But I didn't want to give him the satisfaction; dying that way would be too easy for him. He didn't deserve it.
