When the elderly couple woke up, their carefully cultivated amiable image over the years had completely collapsed.

It was the old lady who woke up first. When she just woke up and found herself lying in the hospital, feeling sore and uncomfortable all over, she hadn't yet realized what had happened.

Well, when the things added to their seafood porridge took effect, they lost all reason when the drug took over, leaving only primitive desires.

Those affected by the drug have no memory of what happened when the drug took effect, and there is no residue in the body after the drug wears off. The old folks naturally couldn't recall what had happened.

This drug is a banned substance both domestically and internationally, and it took me some effort to get my hands on it.

When the old lady learned from me that she and her husband had fallen into a coma due to excessive indulgence and were sent to the hospital, she was so shocked that she fainted again.

I chuckled, pretending to be flustered, ran out of the ward shouting for the doctors and nurses to come and save her.

I also emphasized without restraint that the old lady couldn't bear her own excessive indulgence and fainted from the shock.

Now, after my sensationalized announcements, it wasn't just the doctors and nurses who knew about their situation.

Even the patients and their families on this floor were taken aback.

Strike the heart to kill, by the time they woke up again, they had already become celebrities in the hospital ward.

And as for me, I had become the fool in their eyes.

Well, wasn't I a fool?

Even their own children would cover up such embarrassing matters, hiding their faces when they went out for fear of being pointed at.

Yet my newly recognized goddaughter, during their hospital stay, faithfully visited them every day after "work."

I found this quite amusing.

As long as the superficial efforts were done well, no one cared about the truth.

When others were around, I showed a diligent and obedient appearance, and they would think I was a good person.

After a night of calm reflection, the elderly couple realized that their current state was definitely related to that bowl of seafood porridge.

Lying weakly on the hospital bed, they told the doctors and nurses that it was my fault, cursing me for being heartless and malicious, but no one believed them.

Everyone thought that this couple had lost face and wanted to shift the blame onto me.

Instead of defending myself, I acted like a doormat, accepting all their accusations.

In the end, I added that as long as they felt better, it didn't matter what they said about me.

Now, everyone looked at me with sympathy, and no one believed their words anymore.

During their hospital stay, how could someone like me, who only did superficial efforts, personally take care of them?

As a newcomer to the workforce, barely making enough to support myself, I couldn't even afford to hire a caregiver; the elderly couple had to pay for it themselves.

The couple spent a week in the hospital, and for that week, they cursed at me.
