I woke up again in the hospital.

Chen Xin was by my side.

"Awake? Still have a headache? Any discomfort in your body?"

I moved my body, the pain was definite.

"What about her?"

"The police took her away."

I closed my eyes and didn't speak anymore.

Revenge is sweet.

How satisfying.

"Do you want to eat something? You've been unconscious for three days."

"Is there any alcohol? I want to celebrate."

He ignored me.

After a while, he brought a bowl of red sugar eggs.

"To be honest, you didn't need to take such a risk. Even though we planned it all out, if something unexpected happened, it wouldn't have been worth it."

"Luckily, everything went according to plan. The geological survey team installed equipment on the opposite hill, fully recording the entire process of her pushing you."

"Your friend went to the police that night, the police quickly found the recorder, I also gave a statement, she was quite righteous, taking all the blame upon herself."

"But if she had tried to shift the blame onto me, I wouldn't have accepted it. The recordings were crystal clear, when she pushed you, I went to get water in the pavilion."


He rambled on for a while.

"Chen Xin, did she ever regret it afterwards?"

"Are you kidding? Still holding onto illusions? Wake up, these two are the most selfish and self-serving people."

"If she regrets anything, it's only that she didn't kill you earlier."

My mom was convicted of attempted murder.

During the trial, she remained quite composed.

Probably still thinking that once Chen Xin and the wealthy girl got married, they could pull some strings to get her out.

Chen Xin went to visit her in prison, I waited for him at the prison gate.

How he tore apart my mother's hopes, stabbed her in the heart, Chen Xin had rehearsed it many times.

"I am not your son, I have my own biological parents, why should I be your son?"

"You raised me just to continue the Chen family line, it's because of people like you that child trafficking continues!"

"Let me tell you, all these years I've been searching for my biological parents, and I've found them! I could have had a happy family..."

"Foster parents? Don't glorify yourselves. You are not foster parents, you are buyers! You are part of the child trafficking crime!"

"There was never a Li Yaoyao, from now on, there will no longer be a Chen Xin, I will change my name back to my original name! You stay in prison and reflect on your actions!"

He had been waiting for this moment, for a long time.

Three years ago, Chen Xin found his biological parents.

But it was too late.

His mother passed away from grief a year after he went missing.

His father quit his job, searched nationwide, looked for him for a whole fifteen years.

A month before Chen Xin returned home, his father also left.

He returned to his hometown, the house was in ruins, only a pile of rubble remained.

It was a two-story building his father had just built from the money he earned in transportation before Chen Xin went missing.

His sister hugged him and cried for a long time.

He repeatedly asked what his father was like and what his mother was like.

"Dad was a bit stern, but always gentle with us. Mom, on the other hand, was strict, she would actually spank us if we were naughty."

"But you were young back then, most of the time it was me who got spanked."

"They were, very good people, very loving towards us."

Unfortunately, now there were only two desolate graves.

How could he not resent?

He not only resented the people who sold him, but also the people who bought him.

So, when he recognized me, he quickly formed an alliance with me.
