At this moment, I sat in the room wearing bridal attire, waiting for Gu Xing.

Although I had shared many days and nights with him in the past life, seeing him again, I still felt a bit uneasy.

After all, he is the current crown prince and the future emperor.

As a mere woman, how could I not be afraid?

After Gu Xing stood in front of me, he slowly lifted my veil.

"What is your name?"

I timidly raised my eyes to look at him, then quickly averted my gaze: "I am Jin Yao, I have met... husband."


Gu Xing savored these two words for a moment, showing a hint of a smile: "This title is not bad."

Seeing this, I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart.

It seems that Gu Xing is still following the same pattern as in the past life.

In the past life, after I entered the palace and became the crown prince's concubine, like everyone else, I called him "Your Highness."

But at a palace banquet, someone chose a new play full of tender affection, where the leading lady tenderly called her husband like a warbler.

That call touched the hearts of many men.

So that night, Gu Xing forced me to call him husband all night.

Now, Gu Xing sat down beside my bed, and asked in a calm voice, "I heard you have a childhood sweetheart, why did you choose to come to the Lan Garden?"

I blushed and lowered my head, "Sir jests, marriage is a serious matter, it's my parents' decision. I have always followed the virtues of a woman in the women's chamber, never privately interacted with men. As for the childhood sweetheart, he was just a childhood playmate. Today, I intended to follow my father's wishes and give the embroidered ball to the Qi family's son, but fate chose you as my husband. I..."

At this point, I looked up at him joyfully, and boldly said, "I am very happy."

Hearing this, the dark color in Gu Xing's eyes gradually dissipated.

He reached up to remove my hairpin, lazily playing with my black hair.

"In the future, be obedient, I will... treat you well."

After speaking, Gu Xing gently pushed me down onto the bedding, using his slender fingers to untie the sash around my waist.

I blushed and turned my face into the sheets, softly pleading, "Husband, could you... extinguish the lamp? I..."

With such shyness, mixed with the joy of a young girl, Gu Xing felt pity.

So he chuckled lightly and reached out to extinguish the lamp.

It's good that the lamp was extinguished.

If the lamp remained lit, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hide my disgust towards him.

In the previous life, although he saved my life from Feng Yu, he was also Feng Yu's accomplice, wasn't he?

When Feng Yu threw the embroidered ball to the beggar, ruining my life, he did not lend a hand.

When I eloped with Qi Letian and was discovered, when Feng Yu ordered his men to kill, he did not help.

He only took action to save me from Feng Yu after he saw my appearance and developed an interest in me.

The dignified crown prince, is nothing more than a shameless man swayed by beauty!

This life, I offered myself willingly, let's see if you can handle it.
