After Zheng Kang's death, I gave Chen Dajie a big red envelope and introduced her to a new job to thank her for her "care" of Zheng Kang.

During this time, my daughter didn't call back once.

It wasn't until the third day after Zheng Kang's death that she returned in a disheveled state.

I was packing up the room, preparing to rent out this apartment.

As soon as she entered, she asked where her dad was, and I pointed to a small box on the floor to tell her.

"There he is."

I could tell she was desperately trying to control her emotions.

But her upturned mouth betrayed her.

"Ah, dad is dead?"

"Yes, he's dead, all turned to ashes."

"What about dad's belongings? Are they all ours now?"

My daughter didn't even glance at the small box on the floor, she just anxiously started questioning about her dad's inheritance.

"Ours?" I glanced at her, "Those are all mine, what does it have to do with you?"

As I continued packing, I answered.

At first, my daughter thought I was joking, teasing me with a few words, but when she realized I wasn't budging, she panicked.

"Mom, what do you mean? I am my dad's biological daughter, how can I not have a share in the inheritance? Did you make dad write a will leaving everything to you? How could you be so despicable!"

"There's no will, but..."

Upon hearing there was no will, my daughter instantly breathed a sigh of relief, interrupting me before I could finish.

"Without a will, the estate should be divided according to the normal process, half for you and half for me! Don't try anything funny, or I'll sue you in court!"

Seeing my daughter's arrogant expression, I found it quite amusing and calmly spoke.

"What evidence do you have to prove you are Zheng Kang's biological daughter?"

She was clearly stunned by this question.

I continued calmly.

"You weren't born yet when your dad and I divorced, your birth certificate only has my name, the father's section is blank."

"But you remarried my dad later, Zheng Kang is still my dad, right? As his daughter, I have the right to..."

"Well," I stroked my chin, "he can only be considered your stepfather, and when we got married, you were already an adult, he never raised you, so naturally, you have no right to inherit his estate."

I calmly explained to her.

Joking aside, I had diligently studied these legal matters after being reborn.

I had calculated precisely that all these assets belonged to me, not a penny could be divided.

My daughter obviously didn't believe what I said, but for the moment, she couldn't think of a reason to refute, she spun around anxiously, and as her gaze swept across her dad on the floor, her tone became firm again.

"I can do a paternity test!"

I chuckled.

"Sure, take that box for testing, since he's your dad, take it with you."

Before I could finish, she quickly squatted down and hugged the urn, afraid I would try to take it from her.

Quite amusing, who would want to fight over that ominous thing.

"Fine, once I get the results, I'll sue you for misappropriating someone else's property, don't regret it then."

After saying that, she left without looking back, holding the box.



I regret not aborting her back then, not raising her.

With Zheng Kang's urn taken away, it solved one of my worries, I really didn't know where to dispose of it.
