I had been racking my brains trying to come up with a few plans to get Zheng Kang and me registered as soon as possible.

But he beat me to it.

Men are truly laughable. In my past life, I tirelessly served him, yet he passed away without leaving me a single cent of inheritance. Instead, he remembered to give our daughter a rundown old house.

In this life, I live for myself. The care and chores are taken care of by our daughter and Sister Chen, yet he is rushing to marry me.

His mindset is probably akin to that of eunuchs in ancient times. Even if they lose their manhood, they still aspire to marry a wife to prove their masculine prowess.

What can I do?

I could only reluctantly agree.

Our daughter took a day off to personally accompany Zheng Kang and me to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

When we came out with our marriage certificate, a long-lost smile appeared on Zheng Kang's face.

I was also happy.

Because, counting the days, I was about to become a widow.

In this life, no matter what I do, his legal heir will only be me.

Even if we divorce immediately, there's still a cooling-off period to consider.

This is the first time I genuinely appreciate the existence of this policy.

The aftermath of the car accident and the recent hectic period have completely worn down his body, and his gastrointestinal function has deteriorated.

Now, after a meal, he needs to go to the bathroom almost three times. It's either changing diapers or on the way to change diapers.

Our daughter is at her wit's end and suggested having Sister Chen move in to take care of her father.

Naturally, I objected.

"Silly child, your father is in such a state, he probably doesn't have many days left. Endure a little longer."

"Mom, I really can't take it anymore. You are legally married to him, why aren't you taking care of him? I work during the day, and when I come back at night, I have to attend to this old man. Have you ever thought about me?"

After getting the certificate, our daughter's attitude seemed to have toughened, as if she was certain that her father's inheritance was already in her pocket. Even her private address to her father changed.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's your father who doesn't want me to do anything. What can I do?"

I wasn't just making excuses; Zheng Kang really didn't let me do these things, fearing it would dirty my hands.

I'm not foolish enough to believe he treasures me. It's just a man's ridiculous pride. But I'm happy to go along with it.

"When your father passes away, all six of his houses will be yours. Even if you rent them out, you won't be able to spend all the rental income each month. Why bother working? Just stay at home and spend money as you please."

Regarding my "kind" suggestion, our daughter didn't agree on the spot, but from her expression, it was clear she was tempted.

As Zheng Kang became increasingly difficult to care for, Sister Chen also began to show signs of dissatisfaction.

However, she knew that if she quit her job at our house, she would have nowhere else to go, so she never brought up resigning with me.

But these grievances need an outlet.

I found excuses to go out several times, leaving for most of the day. When I returned, I found Zheng Kang sleeping. Upon waking, he would complain about various pains and express a desire to change caregivers.

"The pain is probably a result of your paralysis. Sister Chen, such an honest person, why would she mistreat you? Don't overthink it."

I pushed Zheng Kang towards Sister Chen and said in front of her, "Sister Chen, Zheng Ge says you've been mistreating him behind his back and wants to replace you. Tell us, is this true?"

Sister Chen panicked and waved her hands repeatedly.

"I wouldn't dare, how could I do such a thing? Zheng Ge, you can't wrongly accuse me like this. You need to think it through. You need to wash your body multiple times a day now. Besides me, no one else would be willing to take on this task. Think about it."

Glancing at me and then at her, Zheng Kang swallowed his words.

Seeing this, Sister Chen grew bolder.

One day, I returned home early and found her actually slapping Zheng Kang while scolding him.

"You old beast, you just finished eating and now you need to go to the bathroom. Why don't you just eat feces instead? Still going to tattle on me? If you do it again, I'll dunk you in the toilet!"

I quietly closed the door, giving her space to vent, afraid she would stop if she saw me return.

What a pity!
