"Mom, why are you so silly?"

I looked at my daughter puzzled.

"Think about it, Dad was so rich when he was young, and he's such a smart person. How could he let a woman take away all his money? He must be testing us."

"Testing what?"

"Testing whether we are worthy of inheriting his fortune. That's how it goes in TV dramas, good people are rewarded," my daughter said excitedly. "We have to bring Dad back home and take care of him properly before that guy does. That's the only way we can get more wealth and live a good life."

"Is that what you think?"

"Of course." My daughter glanced at me. "You haven't studied as much as I have. Listen to me, you won't go wrong."

I was actually worried about how to bring Zheng Kang back, but she solved a difficult problem for me.

I pretended to hesitate.

Two minutes later, I nodded.

Xixi danced with excitement, as if she had already seen a bright future.

Looking at her joyful expression, my heart was filled with mixed feelings.

What kind of sin did I commit to have such a child?

"Xixi, Zheng Kang hasn't taken care of you all these years. Don't you resent him?"

My daughter urged me to go out while answering.

"Men make mistakes, too. His return proves that he still cares about us. It's our blessing," she said.

"Mom, I know you still have grievances in your heart, but my father..." She suddenly lowered her voice and said, "He definitely still has a lot of hidden money. He's just pretending to be pitiful to test us. If it weren't for me being his biological daughter, how could you take care of him?"

"Seize this opportunity while he's testing us. You have to act quickly."

After speaking, she looked me up and down and gave me an ambiguous look.

I was speechless. I really wanted to slap her.

But it wasn't the right time.

I remained noncommittal, awkwardly changed the subject, took the car keys, and left with my daughter.

When we arrived at the nursing home, my daughter ran happily to Zheng Kang as soon as she saw him. She hugged his arm and coquettishly called him "Dad," while carefully inquiring about Zheng Kang's health.

"Dad, it was so difficult to persuade Mom to bring you back home. You must reward me!"

Xixi nestled in Zheng Kang's arms, hinting that she was just short of asking him to give her all his assets.

"Good daughter," Zheng Kang touched her head and casually praised her.

Yes, what a picture of a loving father and filial daughter.

The scene was just like the previous life. Xixi never hesitated to shower her father with affectionate words, making Zheng Kang happy every day.

But she never did anything to take care of him.

Zheng Kang's legs were paralyzed, he couldn't take care of his own personal needs, and I was the one who had to do everything.

She asked me to hand wash Zheng Kang's clothes, claiming that she was worried about the bacteria in the washing machine.

Her food preferences were heavy, while Zheng Kang could only eat light food, so she made me prepare two separate meals for each meal, one specifically for Zheng Kang.

At that time, I was blinded by the mother-daughter relationship and thought she was a considerate and caring child. I didn't want the grudges of the previous generation to affect her filial piety.

It wasn't until I got cancer that I realized everything she did was for personal gain. She was inherently indifferent.

I composed myself and pulled myself back from memories of the past life, interrupting the touching moment between father and daughter.

"Alright, Xixi, stop acting cute. Let's pack up and take your dad home!"

I turned to her and said.

"Oh, and empty the urinal and clean it before we go."

When my daughter heard my instructions, her eyes widened, but she didn't want to show any displeasure in front of her dad, so she whispered in my ear.

"Mom, I don't know how to do that. You do it."

Ipaused, taken aback by her response. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was she serious?

"Xixi, you're his daughter too. Taking care of him is our responsibility. We need to do this together," I replied, trying to hide my disappointment.

She pouted and crossed her arms. "But Mom, I don't want to do those dirty tasks. It's not fair."

I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Life isn't always fair, Xixi. Sometimes we have to do things we don't necessarily want to do. Taking care of your father includes both the pleasant and unpleasant tasks. It's part of being responsible and showing love."

My daughter frowned, clearly not pleased with my response. "Well, you can do the dirty work then. I'll take care of the important things, like managing his finances and making sure we get our share."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. I had hoped that she had changed, that she had learned the true meaning of family and compassion, but it seemed that her selfishness remained unchanged.

"Xixi, money should never be the driving force behind our actions. Taking care of your father is not about getting a share of his wealth. It's about love, respect, and doing what's right," I said, my voice filled with disappointment.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Love won't pay the bills, Mom. We deserve a comfortable life, and if Dad has money, why shouldn't we benefit from it?"

I felt a mix of frustration, sadness, and anger. How did I raise such a materialistic and self-centered child? Was it my fault for not teaching her the right values?

"Xixi, I have made up my mind. We will bring your father home, but we will do it with love and without any ulterior motives. We will take care of him because it's the right thing to do, not because we expect to gain something from it," I said firmly.

She huffed and crossed her arms tighter. "Fine, do whatever you want. But don't expect me to do any of the dirty work. I have better things to do."

I sighed, realizing that I couldn't change her mindset in an instant. All I could do was lead by example and hope that she would eventually understand the true meaning of family and compassion.

We packed our things and prepared to bring Zheng Kang back home. As I looked at my daughter, I couldn't help but feel a mix of sadness and determination. I vowed to myself that I would do my best to teach her the values that truly mattered, even if it meant facing resistance and disappointment along the way.
