When I opened the door to my home in a pleasant mood, a row of people were sitting on the sofa angrily eating takeout.

My daughter jumped up from the sofa when she saw me come back, furious:

"Why don't you come back earlier to cook for us? Dad and I are starving!"

"Did you cancel my tutoring classes and spend all the money on buying clothes?"

I glanced at her sideways, nonchalantly saying, "What else? Should I have spent it on you, you ungrateful brat?"

Her small face turned red with anger, completely breaking down: "Do you even look like a mom?"

"Do you think I want to be your mom?"

The room fell into an awkward silence, and Jiang Xinyue, sitting on the sofa, was the first to attack me.

"Sister-in-law, you're at fault here. Why do you spend money so recklessly? The shopping bags are piling up in the house. Even if Ming's salary is high, it can't keep up with your spending!"

Several people around also chimed in; these were all Li Ming's colleagues, who frequently came to our home for free meals.

Li Ming often appeared generous by inviting people over but disliked spending money on eating out, always making me cook.

Every time they would drink and play until midnight, leaving a mess that I had to clean up all night long.

"I'm spending my own money; what business is it of yours?" I retorted without hesitation.

Li Ming forced a smile, trying to smooth things over: "Ah, look at you, why are you like a firecracker? People say a little something, and you get all worked up?"

As he spoke, his greasy hand reached over, pinching my waist.

The slimy voice continued, "Honey, you look so beautiful today. Did you dress up especially for me?"

With a slap, I knocked his hand away and lifted my chin toward Jiang Xinyue:

"Your little lover is still here. Aren't you afraid she'll get jealous if you show me affection?"

Li Ming's face turned an array of colors, and the colleagues exchanged glances, eager for drama.

"Sister-in-law, you seem like a different person. You weren't like this before. Look, Xinyue asked for seafood today and didn't get it!"

"Exactly, what woman goes out spending money but doesn't cook for her man?"

"Sister-in-law, you dress up wonderfully, but look at Brother Li Ming's wrinkled shirt. Is that how a wife should be?"

The accusations painted me as a money-spending, unqualified wife.

I snorted coldly, frowned at them, and said:

"Li always gives me just a thousand yuan a month for living expenses. What’s that supposed to cover? You want to eat expensive seafood; why don't you rob a bank instead?"

"You've gotten used to freeloading meals, haven't you? Do you think I enjoy inviting you idiots over? It's because Li Ming wants to show off and save money. Well, I'm not serving you anymore!"

The colleagues turned pale, unable to keep their composure, and gradually left one after another.

Jiang Xinyue, however, remained rooted to the sofa, lazily leaning against Li Ming's shoulder.

"Shen Lin, have you grown wings? What kind of nonsense are you spouting?" Li Ming's eyes widened in anger as he yelled at me.

Jiang Xinyue smirked and said sweetly, "Brother Li Ming, don't be mad. Sister Shen must be tired from taking care of the kids. It's okay for her to dress up occasionally."

My daughter, Li Qianqian, couldn't care less: "No matter how she dresses up, she's still uglier than Auntie Jiang!"

"I don’t want Mom anymore. I want Auntie Jiang to be my new mom!"

I felt a lump in my throat, and then I did something that made me feel relieved.

"Slap, slap, slap—"

I walked over decisively and slapped Jiang Xinyue three times across the face as she sat on the sofa.

She was stunned by the slaps, her face turning red and swollen instantly.

The next second, she clutched her face and screamed harshly.

"Shen Lin, how dare you, you old woman!"

Li Ming looked at me in disbelief, pointing and accusing: "Shen Lin, are you crazy? Do you believe I'll..."

Before he could finish, as soon as I raised my hand, he flinched, afraid I'd slap him too.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my lower back, and the impact made me stagger a few steps, almost falling.

Turning around, I saw my good-for-nothing daughter swinging her school bag at my waist.

She shrieked piercingly, pummeling me with her fists like a madwoman.

"You crazy woman! Dad said after he divorces you, he'll marry Auntie Jiang. Then we'll be a happy family, and you'll be kicked out!"

"I hate you! You don’t take me to school or cook for me. You don’t deserve to be my mom!"

Watching her crazed behavior, the last bit of affection I had for her disappeared.

I kicked her without mercy, sending her a meter away.

She screamed in terror, collapsing like a ragdoll and crying out in pain.

I walked over step by step, dragging her trembling body up and began slapping her face.

"I've been nothing but good to you since you were a child, never mistreating you."

"But you conspire with outsiders to kick me out, wanting a mistress as your mom?"

"Li Qianqian, you're a thankless brat. I've wasted eight years raising you!"

She was dizzy from the slaps, begging for mercy, but I had no sympathy.

Li Ming, scared by my madness, didn't dare come closer. He just hugged Jiang Xinyue, constantly pleading, hoping to awaken my motherly conscience.

"Qianqian is your biological daughter, Shen Lin. You're too cruel!"

"Even tigers don't eat their cubs. How can you beat her like this?"

Looking at my daughter, her face swollen like a pig's head with a hint of blood at the corner of her mouth, I felt nothing.

I coldly said, "She deserves it. From today on, Shen Lin acknowledges no such ungrateful daughter!"

Finished, I only felt disgust looking at this pair of despicable people.

I picked up the shopping bags by the door and gave them a fierce glare:

"Jiang Xinyue, what I discard, you treat like treasure. You're really despicable!"

Without waiting for their rebuttal, I turned to Li Ming and said:

"I'll have the lawyer send over the divorce papers. Be smart and move out of my house quickly!"

At the mention of money, Li Ming panicked: "Shen Lin! In your dreams! I won't give you a cent of the house or car!"

I calmly looked at him:

"Li Ming, don't forget this house is my premarital property, and the car was bought by me. Since you cheated, you should leave with nothing!"

"If you're wise, I'll leave you some money. Otherwise, get ready to live on the streets!"

Having said that, I ignored the noise behind me and walked out the door.
