Suddenly, the door of my room and Cheng Jun's room was kicked open, scaring me.

"Why do you care so much? Your mother is pregnant, it's a good thing, you should help her."

My father-in-law stood in front of me angrily, pointing at my face and scolding me.

I closed my eyes, my stomach tightened.

I'm sure they have heard our conversation clearly outside.

"If your mother's health is not good, how can she get pregnant? This proves that both of us are healthy."

"If it is a girl, I, Lao Cheng, will have both a son and a daughter, and my life will be complete."

Cheng Jun saw that his father was unhappy and immediately intervened.

"Mom has been pregnant for almost two months, this is a big happy event for our family, you don't need to worry so much."

I hugged my belly, breathing heavily as contractions tightened.

I suppressed my anger and sat on the edge of the bed.

"You're free to have children. But don't make me, a just-given-birth mother, take care of an elderly pregnant woman!"

With the current situation, when I give birth, my mother-in-law's pregnancy will definitely be further along.

By then, it's unknown who will take care of whom.

Cheng Jun, however, didn't seem to care.

"Isn't my mom able to take care of you during your postpartum confinement?"

"My mom has my dad and my younger brother here."

I sneered in my heart.

He really had a wild imagination. My mother-in-law never had a job, and my father-in-law occasionally did odd jobs, playing mahjong every afternoon.

Cheng Jun's younger brother, Cheng Xiao, was even more irresponsible.

After graduating from college, he never found a proper job and would ask his mother for money whenever he was broke.

He had gone through multiple girlfriends.

Just two months ago, he got engaged to a girl.

During the betrothal ceremony, the in-laws didn't have any savings in their hands, so they borrowed 66,000 yuan from me to finalize the wedding.

In this situation, how dare they have a third child?

They simply wanted to give birth and let me be the one responsible!

I spoke coldly.

"Cheng Jun, your parents don't have a pension, their income is unstable, how will they support this child?"

Cheng Jun's face turned pale when I mentioned money.

"When I was a child, we had much worse living conditions. Didn't my parents raise me and Cheng Xiao? Now the conditions are much better, starving to death is impossible, right?"

Is the responsibility of raising a child just about not letting them starve to death?

His ridiculous concept made me furious.

"Aside from the issue of raising a child, my mother is already beyond the optimal childbearing age. Now, having a child increases the risk exponentially."

"She also has diabetes and high blood pressure. You're 26 years old, and Cheng Xiao is 22 years old! Is it really necessary to have a third child?"

My voice unintentionally raised.

As soon as I finished speaking, I received a loud slap on my face.

"Shen Qianqian, how dare you curse me that I can't give birth to this child! What do you mean?!"

A buzzing sound rang in my ears, and my face burned from the pain.

I made up my mind, not backing down: "I'm just stating the facts, I'm worried about your health!"

My mother-in-law rushed over, about to hit me again.

"You are so wicked, isn't this cursing me to die?"

I was just about to fight back when Cheng Jun quickly hugged his mother and comforted her.

"Mom, don't be angry. Qianqian didn't mean that. You're pregnant, be careful of your health."

He actually remembered that pregnant women shouldn't get angry?

Did he forget that I am also a pregnant woman?

Seeing Cheng Jun's response, I suddenly understood that he was completely disregarding me.

Thinking about the small amount of money in our bank account and the mortgage we still had for another ten years.

I spoke in a cold and stern tone: "If you want to have children, go ahead. But don't expect me to give you a single penny!"

My father-in-law and mother-in-law looked at each other, and my mother-in-law's eyes shifted before she said, "I never asked you to give me money. Cheng Jun can give me 3,000 yuan every month."

When Cheng Jun heard this, he was stunned. He earned more than 4,000 yuan a month, and I had to pay a 4,000 yuan mortgage every month.

In addition, our baby will be born in four months, and the cost of formula and diapers every month is also not small.

With the cost of daily living, the money is barely enough every month.

Under the current circumstances, it is impossible to manage to give her 3,000 yuan every month.

Cheng Jun remained silent.

Seeing this, my mother-in-law immediately panicked.

"We have supported you for 26 years, worked hard to raise you. You really disappoint me. Oh, my stomach hurts a little."

My mother-in-law's voice choked, clutching her stomach as if she was about to faint.

My father-in-law quickly helped my mother-in-law lie down on the sofa, stomping his foot and glaring at Cheng Jun.

"Wife, is our eldest daughter okay? Cheng Jun, your mother is pregnant now and not stable. Can't you accommodate her?"

Cheng Jun, like a wilted eggplant, lowered his head and hurriedly went to his mother.

"Mom, I agree, don't be angry, take care of yourself."

A surge of anger rose in my heart, burning my throat and causing it to ache. I clenched my fist and stared at Cheng Jun.

"Fine, Cheng Jun, this is what you promised. Don't expect to get a single penny from me!"
