"It's been several years since you last came to City B. Let my brother show you around, but he has something to attend to and will arrive later."

I laughed lightly, "It's not like it's some dangerous place."

"I heard that even annoying people are going, so I was afraid it would affect your mood. If I knew it would be like this, I would have let you handle the business negotiations with the European representative, and I would attend the banquet in City B."

With the help of my assistant, I stepped out of the car, holding onto my gown:

"You and the Zheng family have been in conflict, let alone talk about doing business, I'm afraid Mr. Zheng would kick you out directly. It's alright, it's been too long, there's nothing worth caring about."

A few years ago, I couldn't have imagined that in the end, Gu Shi and I would become so close, not only as business partners but also as dear friends.

Arriving at the entrance of the banquet hall, I felt a bit dazed.

It seems like it's not that significant, I have been to this place before.

Back then, when I was still a naive and foolish college student, Zheng Jiwang and I had just started dating.

Zheng Jiwang was socializing in the banquet hall, and I was left in the lounge area, sipping tea.

It was my first time in such a setting, sitting alone in the corner of the sofa seat, awkwardly holding onto my teacup.

On the diagonally opposite table sat three young women, all dressed up, with proud and arrogant demeanors.

"Are you Zheng Jiwang's girlfriend?" The beautiful girl in the blue dress spoke up first with enthusiasm.

I nodded, "I'm Zhou Yang."

"We are Miss Zhao Yue's friends. You should know her, right? She and your boyfriend are childhood friends. My last name is Wang, and these two are surnamed Lin and Qian."

"I know Miss Zhao, and I'm happy to meet all of you."

They started asking about our love story, one question after another.

Although I didn't like discussing these things in public, I was still grateful that they broke the silence and relieved me of the awkwardness of sitting alone.

After chatting for a while, Miss Wang, who had been the most enthusiastic, picked up the teapot on the table and shook it, saying, "Do you still have water on your table? Look at us, we've been sitting here for so long, and we've run out of water."

The waitstaff had just refilled my teapot before I arrived, so it was still full. I raised it up to signal:

"There's still some."

"Then could you please refill ours?"

I stood up, only to find the other two women covering their mouths and laughing. And the waiter was just a few steps away.

Only then did I realize that it wasn't about helping, it was an embarrassment in their eyes.

They didn't really want to chat with me just now, they just wanted to play a prank on me.

When I was hesitating about what to do with the teapot, Zheng Jiwang appeared from behind. He took the teapot from my hand and turned around, calling the waiter over, and handed him the teapot.

"This table needs water, so you should refill it for these ladies."

Upon seeing Zheng Jiwang, the faces of the three women froze. Miss Wang, in particular, waved her hand and said, "There's no need to trouble you, we're not that thirsty."

He spoke firmly, "There's no reason to suddenly not be thirsty."

The waiter, under his signal, opened the lid of the teapot on their table, but paused for a moment, with his hand still in the air.

Zheng Jiwang sneered, "They said they're not thirsty, so you should add the water."

The waiter poured the water, but the teapot, which should have been empty, overflowed with water.

The faces of those three women turned even worse as the spilled water flowed towards their beautiful dresses.

With a calm tone, Zheng Jiwang spoke again, "Are you not thirsty now? Did you have a satisfying drink?"

Then he pulled me away, leaving them behind, holding onto their wet dresses, grinding their teeth.

At that time, I only felt sweetness, like a prince rescuing Cinderella on stage.

But now, looking back, if it wasn't for Zheng Jiwang, they wouldn't have made things difficult for me on behalf of Zhao Yue.

This matter was caused by him, resolved by him, and it should have been like that.

Now, things were different from before. I walked slowly into the banquet hall; this time, I wasn't anyone's appendage, but representing Zhou Yang herself.
