I was originally planning to go straight to the hotel, but I received a call from the shop assistant on the way:

"Miss Zhou, the men's ring you previously ordered has arrived. You can come to pick it up when it's convenient for you."

It will be Zheng Jiwang's birthday in two days, and this is the birthday gift I prepared for him in advance.

When I arrived at the counter, I wasn't interested in examining the goods. I just took it and prepared to leave.

The shop assistant smiled and said goodbye to me: "You've been waiting for this ring for a long time. I hope it can accompany you and your boyfriend for a long-lasting relationship."

I answered with a cold face, "That's impossible."

The shop assistant widened her eyes and stammered, "I...I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's okay. I'll burn this gift for him."

After arriving at the hotel, I rushed to wash up, changed into a bathrobe, and sent a WeChat message to my assistant:

【Xiao Liu, help me buy some clothes for changing and send them to Jinbo Hotel.

【By the way, go to the hardware store and buy a file knife, and bring it with you.】

I opened the gift box, and inside was a men's ring.

The inner circle of the ring was engraved with the initials "Y&W," which are the abbreviations of my and Zheng Jiwang's names.

Xiao Liu arrived quickly, and after delivering the items, she was slightly worried:

"Miss Yang, what do you need the file knife for? Please be careful not to injure yourself."

"It's okay, I know what I'm doing. You can go back."

I closed the door, picked up the ring, and in less than a minute of feeling melancholy, I clenched the file knife and completely disregarded the value of this ring, fiercely grinding off the "Y" on the inner circle.

I took out the notebook in my laptop bag that records inspirations, shook out the card in the inner pocket, which was a pre-written birthday wish.

【I wish you every day in the future to be like this moment: having things to do, being loved, and having something to look forward to.】

The joy and love I felt while writing the card were still vivid in my mind, but now everything has changed.

I crossed a big "X" on all the "have"s with a pen, and replaced them all with "have not".

The words on the card became:

【I wish you every day in the future to be like this moment: having nothing to do, being unloved, and having nothing to look forward to.】

The initial blessings were sincere, but now the curses are even more real.

After the hotel delivered the dry-cleaned dress, I put the clothes, ring, and card all together in a bag and sent it to Zheng Jiwang.

He said that everything I ate, wore, and used was his. Now that I didn't bring anything and didn't ask for anything, I'll return the last piece of clothing to him.

This ring is quite valuable, so let it be considered as rent.

I used to think that owning these luxury items would make me noble and respected, but it didn't.

Now that I've lost these things, I don't feel down and out, but rather relieved.

Zheng Jiwang sent another message: 【I apologize and ask you not to leave. Getting engaged was just a temporary measure, and I will find a way to solve it.】

These words made me laugh. We've known each other for six years, and I used to trust him blindly, with my eyes closed and ears covered, envisioning a future.

When I went to buy him a birthday gift, I unexpectedly discovered him choosing a diamond ring at the counter, and wondered if he was going to propose to me.

He has always been the one taking the initiative between us, but this time I wanted to take the first step towards him and bought the ring as a birthday gift.

But it was all just wishful thinking, and the diamond ring was probably chosen for that Miss Gu Xiao instead.

After six years, there is still no solution to our problems. How much longer do I have to wait for him?

I typed and deleted in the input box, deleted and typed again, and finally only one sentence remained:

【Remember to collect the package. We are now even, and let's not meet again in the future.】

【Zhou Yang, anyone can live without anyone. If you want it that way, so be it.】

Late at night, I curled up in bed, browsing and deleting the past chat records, photos, and videos.

Why are there so many memories?

It's the shadows stretching longer under the streetlights, the intimate clothes intertwining in the breeze, the umbrella that leans towards me on rainy days.

It's his message on WeChat saying "I miss you," and my joyfully replied "Our hearts are connected."

Stop thinking, stop crying, Zhou Yang. This person is no longer related to you.

My rationality tells me to retreat, but my emotions don't listen, causing me to twist and turn.

The next morning, I eagerly pulled open the curtains.

Today is a sunny day, and seeing the sunshine makes me feel a little stronger.

We did once hold each other's hands tightly, but now not only has that hand let go, but I also want to slap him in the face.

And what harm can emotions bring him?

He's living a life of wealth and status, with a beautiful woman by his side.

After the phase of sadness in spring and sorrow in autumn ended, I opened WeChat and asked the fortuneteller I added before.

【Me and my ex, what will happen in the future?】

I added this fortuneteller with some skepticism before, and he said that my "love life will be difficult and plagued by enemies," which unexpectedly turned out to be true.

After a while, he replied: 【You and him, one of you will become rich and successful, while the other will be destitute and in despair.】

I instantly felt invigorated and sat up in bed.

My own failure is not worth mentioning, but Zheng Jiwang's success will make me suffer.

If we are destined for one of us to become wealthy, why can't that person be me?
