Meng Weier was completely stunned, and she shamefully fled back to the country.

In the midst of a flurry of activities, I began filming the Thorny Flower.

Due to the many combat scenes in the drama, Devin worriedly asked if we needed a stunt double.

Years later, I once again came into contact with something I loved, and without hesitation, I refused.

I wanted to prove to everyone that I could do it.

Almost every day I was punched and thrown, covered in bruises, but I enjoyed it, without complaint.

Pei Yu completely let go of himself, apologizing and asking for forgiveness on WeChat every now and then.

Having obtained what I wanted, I was no longer as angry.

Seeing that my mood had improved a bit, he cautiously asked, "Do I still have a chance?"

Still playing hard to get, I replied, "Mature people shouldn't give up on themselves so easily for love."

"Go pursue what you love. If you make it to an international competition, I will give you an answer."

"Thorny Flower" was a true blockbuster, with a large sum spent just on promotion.

When I saw my performance in the screening, I was excited with tears in my eyes.

Once the film was released, the reviews of my fight scenes were overwhelmingly positive, completely changing my reputation.

I proved myself with strength, showing that I was not just a pretty face.

Meng Weier's new movie was released at the same time as mine, but her box office performance was far behind mine.

She wouldn't give up, hiring a large number of water army to bring up the old story between me and Liu Mingzhong.

But now I had more fans than her, and I unleashed all my firepower, leaving her with nothing but bones to pick.

Liu Mingzhong, who originally wanted to keep a low profile, got scared by my threats.

Whenever Meng Weier made headlines, Liu Mingzhong would become the center of attention again.

Unable to bear it, he wanted to end it all, directly reporting Meng Weier for tax evasion.

With the appeal from kind netizens, after I got into trouble, the huge network of interests among these people was completely exposed.

Meng Weier was immediately blacklisted, bearing the title of "stabbing her benefactor in the back, entertainment industry disgrace."

When she got into trouble, she had just gotten off the plane and was spit on at the airport.

We grew up in this peaceful land, enjoying good resources, paying taxes according to law, which is the responsibility and duty of every citizen.

I never expected Meng Weier to be shameless to this extent. I really want to scold her to her face and tell her she deserved it.
