Xue Huaiyi led the troops to make a scene in the Shen Mansion, displaying great anger for the sake of his beloved.

This legendary love story spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital city, and even reached the emperor's ears.

The Emperor shook his head and chuckled, leaving behind only four words:

【Disregarding the law.】

Afterwards, no one in the capital city mentioned this matter again.

Xue Huaiyi took me 200 miles away, in search of a divine doctor for treatment.

For half a month, he accompanied me day and night, and our friendship deepened with the changing of the stars.

Xue Huaiyi chopped firewood, fetched water, picked vegetables, and cooked every day... Where was the imposing air of a general? Worried about my frail body, he would often bring back some wild game. The aroma of a pot of stew was irresistible, even tempting the divine doctor to come and beg for a few chunks to go with his drinks.

I took a taste and found it to be exceptionally delicious, unable to resist asking:

"You, the esteemed Grand General, can even cook stew?"

"I left home at the age of twelve and fought on the battlefield for many years. These are all things the veterans taught me. The borderlands were wild and barren, with little to eat. When we caught rabbits, sand rats, and the like, the soldiers would gather around the campfire and cook the meat in their helmets... Look, why am I telling you all this? Let's eat meat."

I wanted to hear his stories. He went to battle at such a young age, so he must have suffered greatly.

The divine doctor's miraculous skills rejuvenated me, and after half a month, my appearance returned to how it was before. Returning to the capital city felt like stepping into a different world.

I could no longer return to the Shen Mansion, but it was also inappropriate to move into Xue Huaiyi's residence at this moment. After careful consideration, Xue Huaiyi decided to send me to the Qingjing An on Mount Zuoyun.

Xue Huaiyi's mother often went to the temple for spiritual cultivation and had a close relationship with Master Huayin. To put me in her care, General Xue could be at ease:

"You will stay in the temple for a few days. Our wedding is set for the eighth day of next month, and on the seventh, I will come to pick you up. In your spare time, follow Master Huayin to worship the Buddha and recite scriptures. It will also help you cultivate your heart and mind."

Before parting, I asked General Xue to send someone to keep an eye on the Madam, as I wanted to fulfill my revenge. I needed to have some leverage in my hands.

I had sneaked into Madam's room multiple times in search of evidence of her secret gambling den, hoping to obtain evidence and report her, catching her off guard. However, I returned empty-handed each time.

My grand revenge plan could not be completed by myself alone, so General Xue had to do me this favor.

I spent a few quiet days on the mountain, trying to practice meditation, but my mind was filled with the tragic scenes of persecution from my past life. How could I practice meditation?

Restless, I wandered around, chatting casually with nuns and pilgrims when I encountered them.

I was most curious about the temper and character of my future mother-in-law, Madam Xue. So I intentionally or unintentionally made inquiries within the temple.

The answers from the little apprentice were mostly elegant and approachable, which put my mind at ease.

I often had tea and discussed philosophies with Master Huayin, listening to her answer my questions and clear up my confusion.

One day, when I was chatting with Master Huayin, she informed me:

"Madam Xue knows that you are staying with me, and she wants to invite you to meet at the tea house at the foot of the mountain."

Since my future mother-in-law invited me to meet, I had no excuses to decline, so I immediately rushed to the tea house at the foot of the mountain.

Guided by the servant, I respectfully greeted Madam Xue before taking a seat. Then, I looked up.

To my surprise, there was a familiar face in the guest seat, my younger sister, Shen Anyong.
