With determination, I confessed everything to Xin Mang.

Including my computer skills and my grandfather's blood feud.

I begged him for a chance.

He still didn't believe me, and even suspected me of being from the police, demanding that I leave Lishi.

I was about to collapse.

If I didn't act now, the enemy would escape to the Pacific Ocean.

Then, would my grandfather die in vain?

I got drunk.

The next day I found myself thrown outside a barbecue restaurant next to a pile of garbage, with a lot of small cards scattered on the ground.

"Are you in need of urgent funds?"

I laughed quietly, there is always a way out.

Pretending to need a loan, I traced them back and hacked their website.

No matter what they did, the sales calls for loans would only come to my phone.

Whoever was on the other end of the line, my demand was always the same: I wanted to join them.

Unfortunately, they all thought I was crazy.

I had no choice but to continue borrowing money.

And then, I hacked their two websites again.

This time, I succeeded.

Xin Mang, with a black face, stuffed me into a run-down van.

I willingly put on the hood, embarking on the fraudulent journey I had longed for.
