I am an abandoned baby.

My grandfather found me already purple in the face in a garbage dump.

The umbilical cord was infected, ants crawled all over me, and I had a congenital heart disease.

The neighbors advised him not to raise me, saying that I was a bottomless pit, be careful about losing both money and reputation.

And his distant nephew, with a smiling face, promised to take care of my grandfather in his old age.

But he didn't listen to anyone, he just held me in his arms and sought help from the gods and doctors everywhere.

To treat me, Grandpa changed his side job of picking up scraps and made it his main job.

He sold his only small house, and even begged the leaders of nearby factories to take care of me during the day and put me in the guard room at night.

Then, he went out to pick up scraps.

One bottle earns one cent, five mao for one pound of cardboard.

Cans are more valuable, three of them can be sold for two mao.

The happiest thing was when he found expired milk powder from others, he used it to supplement my nutrition.

It was not easy to raise me to the age of five, and I not only learned to walk unsteadily but could also carry a small bag behind him.

Some people advised him, saying: "Old He, look how good the child looks. Following you to scavenge in the garbage dump, aren't you afraid of ruining the child's life?"

It turned out that this person had a cousin who couldn't have a child and didn't want to spend money on treatment, so he took a fancy to me, the old scavenger's burden.

Grandpa's face turned fierce and he held me behind him: "Don't even think about it!"

It is said that after this incident, Grandpa was even more dedicated to scavenging!

To save time, he carried the bedding on his back. When he was tired, he would lean on the ground for a while.

But no matter the wind or rain, he always returned to the guard room before I woke up, handing me a warm bun.

In his lifetime, Grandpa only thought about giving me away once.

Because a flood washed him away.

To come back and be with me, he waded through the rain all night, the bedding got wet and turned into a pile of mud, and he came home with a fever.

When his eyes were deeply sunken from the fever, he gave me to a childless couple in a nearby neighborhood.

The couple was very happy, they bought me a whole set of new clothes and imported powdered milk.

They were also very generous, taking Grandpa to the hospital and using the best anti-inflammatory drugs.

Grandpa was very grateful to them and voluntarily offered to go to another city for scavenging in the future.

He said, "The child is still young, you are really good to him, in time, he will forget about me."

The uncle was named Liu. He sighed deeply and bowed to Grandpa.

After Grandpa left, Uncle Liu helped me get registered and sent me to school.

Maybe it was heaven's compensation, I unexpectedly turned out to be a bit clever.

But I was not happy.

I missed my grandfather every moment.

I missed his kind smile, warm palm, and the knitting bag that always surprised me.

I can't count how many times I cried under the bed, and Uncle Liu packed up everything he had bought for me and sent me back to my grandfather's embrace.

Not only that, he also used his connections to transfer my household registration under Grandpa's name.

He said, "This child can only be your grandson!"

With me, who was "lost and regained", Grandpa was very happy, but also a little anxious.

He patted my head to bow to Uncle Liu.

He said, "A-Xin, you must always remember their kindness."

I do remember, Grandpa.

I remember all the kindness in the world.

And I am willing to repay it with all my life.

But how can I repay your great kindness to me?

I promised that once I found a job, I would take you on a trip, and let those old acquaintances see that the sick seedling you picked up had grown into an independent young man!

I also promised that I would earn a lot of money, buy back the house that Grandpa sold, and find a lovely girl to have a bunch of mischievous little children, so that Grandpa could hold whichever one he wanted!

But now, my grandfather is gone.

And the person who caused his death is living in luxury.

They won't feel guilty, they won't regret it, and they won't even apologize!

I'm sorry, Grandpa.

This time, I can't be a good boy.

I will make them pay for what they owe you!
