"Survival" is a wilderness adventure reality show that has previously aired one season.

The director specifically chooses undeveloped areas, disperses several guests inside, only providing basic tools and a map, letting them survive based on their own abilities.

The first season received a very good response.

No one doesn't love to see stars who are usually elegant and polite in front of the camera, appearing disheveled and desperate in the program, using any means necessary for survival.

What's more, after the show aired, the director boldly released the unedited version, exposing the true nature of many guests.

It is said that there is a guest currently using a sewing machine to lift off the ground.

Therefore, in response to the requests of the vast number of netizens, "Survival" season two was specially approved to begin filming.

Before going to the island, my agent repeatedly urged me to follow the script and not to cause any trouble.

Counting the extra zeros in my account, I hurriedly agreed and boarded the ship without looking back.
