"All of this is what you taught me."

"I have taken in every word you said."

As he was leaving, Zhang Jun knelt on the ground, holding onto my legs, and begged me in pain, "Wife, I was wrong, I won't keep a dog again in the future, can you let me get vaccinated?"

"No, I will really die!"

In front of me, Zhang Jun's fearful and frightened appearance was just like when he knelt in front of the doctor, begging desperately while holding onto her legs, with our dying son in his arms.

I said the same thing to the doctor.

"We should not have kept a dog at home, otherwise none of these would have happened!"

Zhang Jun slumped to the ground in despair.

Just before the door closed, he crawled quickly over to me, "Wife, I was wrong, I really was wrong, can you spare me just this once?"

"Don't worry, I will go out and definitely won't speak of what happened here, good wife! Can you let me go?"

I nodded with interest:

"To err is human, to forgive divine."

Zhang Jun's eyes lit up instantly, expecting me to continue.

"But talk is cheap, you need to show me."

I casually threw the axe next to him.

Zhang Jun paused, and I smiled and squinted:

"Husband, it's up to your performance now, you know what you need to do!"
