I rolled up my sleeves, revealing the birthmark, and started talking to myself:

"The mark on my arm isn't a birthmark. It's from a slight accident when I went skydiving on my high school graduation trip. I got scratched when I landed. My parents thought the scar was unlucky in terms of feng shui, so they made me say it's a birthmark."

Sun Cheng looked at me as if I were crazy, "I'm not playing anymore, I'm going home, I want to go home."


As Liang Xiaoyang grew older, Liang Yue became more and more anxious, visiting our house frequently, daringly glancing at Sun Cheng.

He had already deferred going to school for a year, after all, because I live in a school district tied to the best elementary school in town.

Every time Sun Cheng tried to take me on a trip, I would eagerly tell him that I wanted to do dangerous activities.

After a few times, Sun Cheng began cooking for me at home, wanting to take care of my body properly in order to conceive soon.

I always made excuses about being too busy with work.

Including everything Sun Cheng handed me, I would only take a sip and then wait for him to leave before spitting it out.

In order to avoid intimacy, I pretended my mother was sick, and every few days I would go back to my parents' house to stay for a while.

As time passed, Sun Cheng's health deteriorated.

I handed all my achievements over to Sun Cheng's name, and he gradually rose through the ranks, but the work pressure kept growing.

For this reason, I had to increase the amount of coffee he drank, so he could stay alert all day and not make mistakes at work.

One day, a colleague rushed over and said Sun Cheng was coughing up blood and had passed out.

I worriedly took him to the hospital, and the diagnosis came back - late-stage liver cancer.

In a panic, I called his best friend, Liang Yue, who quickly came over.
