The apartment is equipped with a lot of surveillance cameras, almost every room has one.

Young people with raging hormones cannot resist the vigorous vitality on the opposite sex.

In this soundproof top-floor apartment, fully developed, everywhere bears witness to their diligent efforts for love.

So, I'm not worried at all about not finding evidence of Gu Xun's affair.

Just copy a surveillance video and send it out, it's a definite kill.

However, when I checked the surveillance records, I was still shocked.

The sofa in the living room, the bar counter; the hanging chair and floor-to-ceiling window on the balcony...

The surveillance captured every intimate moment of their love without missing a beat.

It's really... hard on the eyes.

I closed my eyes and sent the last compressed file to the lawyer.

After completing these tasks, there was suddenly a banging sound from the hallway.

When I went out to see, it was actually Gu Xun.

He looked as if he had lost his mind.

He kicked and pounded on the solid bedroom door, his eyes bloodshot:

"Shen Qin, get out!"

"You, a woman, doing this with another woman, don't you feel sick and disgusted?!"

"Shen Qin, can you hear me? Get out!"

"Are you calling me?"

When he was on the verge of losing control, I walked up to him.

Seeing me, Gu Xun visibly breathed a sigh of relief.

I circled around him, raised an eyebrow, and mockingly said:

"What do you think I was doing inside with your little lover?"

Gu Xun's face turned serious, pursing his lips without saying anything.

I made an "ah" sound, with a look of sudden realization, and exclaimed with my hand covering my mouth:

"You don't actually think I slept with Lin Xiangyu, do you?"

He still stayed silent.

But his eyes gave him away.

Just as I had guessed, he thought his wife and his mistress had cuckolded him.


It's really absurd and laughable.

I crossed my arms and lightly tapped one finger on the other arm:

"But, I do have a plan."

"Once I am comfortable with your body, I will take good care of your company and your women."

Then I taunted him with a smile and entered the room before he could kick me.

Shutting out the sound of his angry kicks behind the wall.
