My sister and I went back to the rental house in the urban village to get some clean clothes. It seems like she wants to stay in the hospital with Zhou Qi.

Just now, my sister met a handsome and wealthy man, and her mood is floating. Her smile is almost reaching my ears.

"Sister, I want to get Zhou Qi a private ward."

I concealed my expression well and held my sister's hand, speaking earnestly:

"But we don't have money. Can you endure a little longer?"

My sister smirked and pulled her hand back, proudly saying:

"Sister, I have money now."

I looked worried and asked cautiously, "Where did you get the money? Please don't do anything foolish!"

"I didn't do anything," my sister looked disdainfully at the old house, "Do you remember the day you took me to the nightclub?"

"That man found me and said he was willing to help me. He even gave me a large sum of money!"

After listening, I sneered inwardly. Yes, the protagonist of a Mary Sue novel doesn't need to understand anything about the world's hardships and dangers.

In her mind, everyone around her is a good person, and any stranger would rush to help her...

"That's great! There are so many good people in the world!"

My sister's eyebrows danced with excitement. She packed her things and said she would buy everything anew.

"Sister, you stay here. I probably won't come back again."

After saying that, she pinched her nose and walked away with disdain.

Look, my dear sister. She never thought about her sister's life and death. In the eyes of the male lead, it's pure and innocent, full of naive romance, making people want to protect her with all their might.

Weary, I rubbed my temples, locked the door, and took a taxi back to the hotel.

The next day, I consolidated the evidence of Zhou Xu's crimes that I had collected and wrote an anonymous report to the relevant authorities.

Originally, I didn't expect to bring Zhou Xu down in one fell swoop. Just causing some trouble for him would be good.

Who would have thought that I submitted the report in the morning, and Zhou Xu was taken into custody in the afternoon? The speed was astonishing.

I couldn't help but wonder when the efficiency of the R City Police Station became so high?

Thinking back to my past life, when I finally had the chance to report to the police, the operator was dawdling and wasting my precious escape time with idle talk.

This made me cautious, worried that the police station and the Zhou family were in cahoots. After all, there's no logic in a Mary Sue novel.

Now it seems that at least the police station is still effective. Perhaps this golden finger is only for the male lead.

I raised my hand and completely erased Zhou Xu's name from the notebook. The tip of the pen hesitated between Zhou Xun and Zhou Ran.

Ultimately, I decided to follow the timeline of my past life and start with Zhou Ran.

Currently, Zhou Qi can't move. The only thing I can do is prevent the internal strife between the Zhou brothers that happened in my past life.

As long as there is a legitimate son of the Zhou family, Zhou Qi will never have the possibility of taking over.

Zhou Xu is an illegitimate child, his existence is inconsequential.

But Zhou Xun and Zhou Ran are different. They are the legitimate heirs of the Zhou family, and their handling must be extremely cautious.

A wrong move and the game is lost. I must remain vigilant and not make a single mistake...

The tip of the pen glided down the page and finally landed on the last two words—this is the final trump card.

Three days later, my sister, as expected, called me.

I intentionally didn't answer, and the screen lit up and went dark repeatedly. After a dozen times, I finally pressed the answer button.

"Why didn't you answer the phone!"

Because I know you haven't finished holding in your fart.

"Sister is working and didn't hear it. What's wrong?"

My sister cleared her throat and said unnaturally, "Zhou Qi is being discharged from the hospital."

I responded with an "Oh,"trying to sound nonchalant.

"So, what's your plan?"

My sister hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm going to stay with him at his place. He needs someone to take care of him."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "That's a good idea. It's important for him to have someone by his side during his recovery."

"Yeah, I think so too. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Take care of Zhou Qi." I tried to sound as supportive as possible.

After we hung up, I let out a sigh of relief. My sister's infatuation with the male lead was beyond my comprehension. But as long as she was happy, I had no reason to interfere.

For now, I needed to focus on my own plans. The first step was complete—getting Zhou Xu arrested. Now, I had to deal with Zhou Ran.

I spent the next few days researching and gathering information about Zhou Ran. I had to be careful not to arouse any suspicion, so I dug deep into his public image, his accomplishments, and his connections.

As I delved into his life, I discovered that Zhou Ran was not as simple as he appeared. Behind his charming smile and successful career, there were whispers of corruption and shady dealings.

This was my chance.

I contacted a journalist friend I had made during my previous life and shared the information I had gathered. I asked him to investigate Zhou Ran's activities and expose his wrongdoings.

With the evidence I provided, the journalist started digging deeper into Zhou Ran's affairs. It was only a matter of time before the truth would come to light.

As I continued to monitor the situation, another opportunity presented itself. Zhou Ran was scheduled to attend a charity event, and I saw this as the perfect chance to confront him.

I dressed in an elegant gown and attended the event, making sure to position myself strategically. When Zhou Ran arrived, surrounded by his entourage, I approached him confidently.

"Zhou Ran, we need to talk," I said, my voice steady and firm.

He looked surprised to see me but quickly composed himself. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"You should know me well enough," I replied, a hint of a smile playing on my lips. "I'm here to expose your true colors."

His eyes widened slightly, and he glanced nervously around. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I think you do," I said, my voice dripping with certainty. "Your shady dealings, your corruption—it's all going to come crashing down."

He tried to maintain his composed facade, but I could see the cracks forming. The fear in his eyes betrayed him.

"You're bluffing," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

I chuckled. "Am I? We'll see about that."

With that, I turned and walked away, leaving Zhou Ran standing there, his face pale and filled with dread.

The next few days were a whirlwind. The journalist's investigation into Zhou Ran's activities yielded substantial evidence of his wrongdoings, and the news broke out, causing a scandal that rocked the city.

Zhou Ran's reputation was tarnished, and he faced numerous legal troubles. The Zhou family, already reeling from Zhou Xu's arrest, was thrown into further chaos.

As for me, I watched the events unfold from a distance, satisfied with the progress I had made. But I knew my work was not yet done.

There was still one more person I needed to deal with—Zhou Xun, the eldest son and the most cunning of them all.

I couldn't afford to let my guard down. The game was far from over, and the stakes were higher than ever.

I continued to gather information, strategize, and plan my next move. The journey ahead was treacherous, but I was determined to see it through.

With each step I took, I grew stronger, more resolute. I would protect Zhou Qi, expose the true nature of the Zhou family, and rewrite the tragic fate that awaited us all.

This was my story, my fight, and I would make sure it had a different ending.
