The banquet hall fell into silence.

The faces of all the guests, family members, and journalists turned pale.

They were still digesting my words in a frenzy.

But in the end, they all locked onto one word simultaneously—kill wife.

Zhou Lin finally reacted and immediately grabbed my hair in a fit of rage, slamming me to the ground with force.

However, I pulled out the hairpin from my head and, reversing my grip, stabbed it directly into his waist.


A scream echoed through the banquet hall as the man stared at me with bloodshot eyes, seemingly wanting to devour me alive.

With black hair and fair skin, I smiled strangely, like a ghost seeking revenge from hell.

At this moment, some quick-witted members of the Chu family rushed onto the stage, and several men held Zhou Lin down tightly, signaling for me to continue.

They also wanted to know—

whether the "kill wife" I mentioned truly revealed the truth about Chu Tianyou's death years ago.

The cameras flickered with red dots, and I continued to speak unhurriedly:

"Zhou Lin's initial explanation was that his wife deliberately lost weight during pregnancy to maintain her figure.

"As a result, she suffered from malnutrition.

"The accompanying anemia caused insufficient oxygen supply to the uterus and placenta, leading to premature birth and death at the hospital."

I stared at Zhou Lin's gradually changing expression, from anger to fear.

Then, in front of everyone, I pulled out a photo from behind the red marriage certificate on the table.

"Zhou Lin, do you remember this woman?

"Oh, you certainly don't remember how many people you harmed with your lustful desires."

I continued speaking, oblivious to some noisy shouts.

Holding the photo, I raised my hand and aimed precisely at the camera.

"This woman is named Wang Ningjia. She was the nanny in the Zhou family manor in the early years, responsible for taking care of Miss Chu during her pregnancy.

"Back then, while she was brewing a pregnancy-stabilizing medicine, Zhou Lin, who was drunk, raped her, and she became pregnant.

"Panicked, Zhou Lin wanted her to have an abortion.

"But Wang Ningjia refused to kill the child and wanted to give birth.

"Miss Chu sensed that something was wrong and questioned her, only to discover the deeds of her pillow partner.

"She confronted Zhou Lin while pregnant, but her anger caused her to prematurely give birth."

"However, even at this point, Miss Chu still had a chance to survive."

I paced slowly on the stage, completely ignoring the raucous clamor.

"In the business world, it is said that if you marry into the Chu family, you can gain half the power of the southern business realm.

"She was so capable and dominant that she overshadowed Zhou Lin.

"So he made a bold and cruel decision—to 'kill the mother and leave the child.'

"In this way, he would no longer be restrained by his wife and could continue to benefit from the relationship with her family through the child, enabling him to soar to great heights and never be ridiculed for living off his wife."

The camera continued to silently flicker.

The people in the audience were shocked and unable to speak.

Zhou Lin finally stopped struggling in anger and instead calmly questioned me:

"Lin Jiaojiao, you wicked woman who spouts nonsense! Do you dare to provide evidence for your empty claims?"

I turned my expressionless face and looked down at the man on the ground from a superior position.

"Oh, thank you for reminding me. I was just about to say that."

"For example—your various hidden equity relationships with the hospital and the continuous flow of hush money over the years.

"And, of course, Wang Ningjia buried on the manor."

Zhou Lin's expression went from stern righteousness to suddenly losing all color.

He couldn't entirely comprehend—

how a docile and obedient pawn like me could know the secret he had buried for over twenty years.

Ha, he was nothing more than a foolish and wicked old man, corroded into a skeleton by money and seduction.

How could he contend with a seductive beauty who emerged fromthe shadows, armed with evidence and a thirst for justice?

The room was filled with a heavy silence as the truth hung in the air.

Slowly, the guests began to whisper among themselves, their voices growing louder and more animated.

The journalists clamored to capture every detail, their cameras clicking incessantly.

Zhou Lin, defeated and exposed, lay on the ground, his face contorted with a mixture of anger, fear, and desperation.

His once dominant and arrogant persona had crumbled, revealing the true darkness that resided within him.

Meanwhile, I stood tall on the stage, basking in the vindication of revealing the truth that had been hidden for far too long.

I had spent years gathering evidence, meticulously piecing together the puzzle of Chu Tianyou's death.

Now, my efforts had finally paid off.

The truth was out, and Zhou Lin's carefully constructed facade was shattered.

As the chaos continued to unfold around me, I couldn't help but think about Chu Tianyou.

He was a kind-hearted man, always looking out for others and striving to make the world a better place.

His life had been cut short, and justice had been denied for too long.

But now, his spirit could finally rest in peace.

The room erupted into a cacophony of voices, as people demanded answers, sought justice, and expressed their outrage.

There would be consequences for Zhou Lin and all those who had been complicit in his crimes.

The truth had been exposed, and it was time for accountability.

I walked off the stage, leaving behind the chaos and commotion.

My role was done, and now it was up to the authorities to take action.

Justice would prevail, and the memory of Chu Tianyou would be honored.

As I stepped outside into the cool evening air, a sense of relief washed over me.

I had fulfilled my duty as an advocate for truth and justice.

Now, it was time to move forward, knowing that I had made a difference.

The road ahead would not be easy, but I was ready to face whatever challenges awaited me.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I walked into the night, ready to continue fighting for justice and exposing the darkness that lurked in the shadows.
