Did I hallucinate? Or did the dog really speak?

Shi Huai Chao, with enthusiasm, distanced himself while the servant helped me up.

Seeing the situation under control, my colleagues gradually walked away.

It seems like no one noticed that strange voice?

Da Fu anxiously circled around me, and I squatted down to pat it to calm it down.

"Sorry, are you hurt? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Shi Huai Chao frowned at me, his tone somewhat nervous.

"I'm fine, just startled."

I shook my head.

"Brother, you fool! How could Bell hurt Sister? Bell is the most obedient good boy!"

The wagging tail of the wolfhound tugged at Shi Huai Chao's pants discontentedly.

"Maybe there were too many strangers, and Bell got a little excited. I'm really sorry."

Shi Huai Chao sincerely apologized to me.

"Sister is not a stranger! Bell has already remembered Sister's scent!"

"Sister's handkerchief, Sister's necklace, Sister's scarf, Bell has smelled them all in Brother's room!"

The wolfhound rolled over on the ground, showing its belly in joy.

"It, it didn't used to be like this."

Shi Huai Chao looked at Bell's silly appearance, feeling embarrassed and trying to make up for it, avoiding eye contact.

"But Bell has been like this every day!"

Every time Shi Huai Chao spoke, Bell would unreservedly refute him.

But he didn't notice Bell's abnormality; he was only observing my reaction with the corner of his eye, his fingers trembling lightly.

The brother Bell referred to must be Shi Huai Chao, right?

How could my handkerchief and scarf end up in Shi Huai Chao's room?

Could it be true, as Bell said, that he likes me?

My cold and restrained boss, who barely speaks ten sentences a year, is secretly in love with me?
