Unlike the girl, my mother is a thin mother.

I saw with my own eyes, when I was carried away, her helplessness, using her emaciated body, blocking in front of me, but being dragged and thrown to the ground.

I watched her grow thinner and her eyes become more vacant, sitting in the locked and abandoned yard all day long.

That man found her unlucky, and the previous promises turned into bubbles.

The woman waited all day long, but couldn't wait for anything.

She couldn't wait for her child, nor could she wait for that man.

The man was far away, but I was nearby in the dog's den.

She just couldn't recognize that the creature covered in scales was her child.

Perhaps she didn't want to recognize it, that child made her lose everything.

The blind fortune-teller let her go, and the family didn't notice a thing.

As I grew older, I witnessed them hanging little Hua.

My nominal younger siblings and the dog mother who raised me.

At that moment, anger consumed everything, and I looked at the few people in front of me as if I was looking at corpses.

I pulled off a piece of scale and stabbed it into the leading boy's body with a painful stimulus, shouting loudly, "Die!"

Before the scales reached the boy's body, he fell to the ground with a bang, without making a sound.

The remaining children couldn't wake the boy no matter how they shouted, screaming "monster" and running away.

I guarded the boy's body and calmly looked at his face. Soon, people surrounded me.

Men, women, young, and old pointed and whispered around me. My nominal father, looking at the dead boy in front of him, his eyes turned red with anger, shouting that he was going to strangle me.

But before he reached me, he collapsed to the ground with a loud thud.

Then, one body, two bodies, three bodies...

As I counted, I pulled off the scales. The people around me screamed and rushed forward, but they all fell down like weeds.

That day, I almost plucked off all the scales and fell into a pool of blood.

Big Yellow and Second Yellow guarded me, and the passing blind fortune-teller took them away together.

The blind fortune-teller cured me and taught me some skills.

But every time I wanted to go find my mother, he would hold a bamboo pole horizontally, grab a handful of his beard, and shake his head, saying that the time was not right.
