"This little girl looks good." Before I even got close, I saw a few men smoking and looking over here.

An older woman stood in front of me, smiling and asked, "Do you know Li Dong?" She handed a few cigarettes to the men.

"Hey, these cigarettes are good." The men put the cigarettes behind their ears casually. "Didn't that Li Dong guy make a fortune and leave? Are you looking for him to be his mistress?"

The men laughed, "I advise you not to even think about it. You're an old lady, and that little girl behind you will probably do."

There were a few more teasing remarks, accompanied by intentional or unintentional glances towards me. The older woman couldn't hide her embarrassment anymore.

"Those people are really despicable scum." The older woman cursed indignantly.

"Another girl has gone missing recently."

"Really? How many have gone missing so far?"

The conversation at the nearby table reached our ears. Both the older woman and I listened quietly.

"It's really frightening. Who dares to walk alone at night?"

"I think..." The men leaned in closer. "There must be some issue with the construction site."

"Didn't the police investigate already?"

"It's not easy to find out the truth. Haven't you seen the lecherous looks they give when we pass by? Utterly disgusting."

I looked up from my bowl of noodles and glanced towards the construction site across the street. I could vaguely see black smoke swirling, with a hint of blood hidden within, expertly covered up.

There's something seriously wrong with that construction site.

I took out the disc the old man gave me before he left and let a drop of blood fall onto it. The blood energy dispersed and surrounded the men.

Not long after, it spread through their movements and filled the surrounding area.

The map of the construction site appeared on the disc. After everything was done, I quietly put the disc away.
