Feng Tang returned to his position as Song Yang's personal assistant. Not only that, he even sold several cars and bought a large apartment in the city center for Feng Tang.

Feng Tang's identity is too special. If Chen Wan knows about his existence and his relationship with Song Yang, I'm sure she would be furious.

Song Yang knows that too, so now he's behaving cautiously, being inseparable from Feng Tang, and coming home less frequently.

I'm delighted! What's even better is that I don't have to open cans of sardines anymore, and he no longer touches me inappropriately. We've truly become "good sisters."Feng Tang returned to his position as Song Yang's personal assistant. Not only that, he also sold several cars and bought a large apartment in the city center for Feng Tang.

Feng Tang's identity is too special. If Chen Wan knows about his existence and his relationship with Song Yang, I'm sure she will be furious.

Song Yang knows that too, so now he's acting submissive and spending less time at home with Feng Tang.

I couldn't be happier!

What's even better is that I don't have to open cans of sardines anymore, and he doesn't touch me anymore. We've truly become "good sisters."

He didn't break up with Ye Mei, but they haven't had any substantial relationship since then. Surprisingly, he's been faithful, tirelessly deceiving her and hanging out with her just to cover for Feng Tang.

[You despicable woman, what did you do?]

[You can't keep his heart even if you keep him close to you!]

[You're so mean! You won't let him touch me anymore!]


Ye Mei's resentment towards me has grown stronger, but she also feels something is not quite right.

Song Yang often talks to me now, and from his words and actions, I just want to say one thing to him.

"You've fallen in love!"

But I have to hold it in, pretend I know nothing, and share the joy of love with him in confusion.

My good days didn't last long. Chen Wan seems to believe that her son has truly changed for the better, so she has shifted her focus onto me, urging me to have another child as soon as possible.

This time, the price is clearly stated. A son has one price, and a daughter has another.

So now, I have to live under her constant surveillance, drink all kinds of unpalatable medicine she sends, have a full-body check-up by a private doctor every few days, and she even wants to know the details of our intimate life.

Before, I thought it was meticulous care, but now I just find it disgusting.

I've seen through her true face. As a "baby-making machine," I have my own thoughts and don't want to be controlled anymore.

It seems I have to completely shut her up!

Soon, we welcomed our son's first birthday celebration, with many guests and lively atmosphere.

The grandparents held Yan Yan, accepting everyone's blessings and praises.

In these past few months, Song Yang has been obedient to Chen Wan. This time, Chen Wan is determined to make up for the regret of not having a hundred-day celebration and take a real family photo to counter the public's mockery.

"Ya Fan, I'm sorry, I have something urgent. Can you handle it for me?"

This familiar request...

But this time, I'm the one in the kitchen.

"Sure, honey. Go ahead, I've got it covered!"

Go, Pikachu!

Go, warrior charging for love!

Go, give your mom a big surprise!

Once again, I reluctantly returned to the scene. Chen Wan cleverly avoided the camera and gave me a resentful glare. I knew she blamed me for not controlling her son.

Song Yang didn't disappoint me. It didn't take long for Ye Mei to catch them kissing and promptly sent me the video.

[Zheng Ya Fan, let's cooperate!]

[Keep Song Yang by our side, and we'll split the money!]

[Give me ten million, and Song Yang will be yours. I won't appear again!]


For the first time, Ye Mei didn't insult me.

Of course, Song Yang was about to confront her, so he no longer needed Ye Mei as a shield. He had blocked all her contact information half a month ago, and she finally understood and went to find her real rival.

"Ya Fan, come here for the photo!"

I sent the just-saved video and smiled in response to my mother-in-law.

"Mom, stand here, the lighting is better!"

I held Chen Wan and pleasingly adjusted her position.

"Oh my! This is so explosive!"

Chen Wan maintained a proper smile. After a while, she realized there was no flash focusing on her, butit was directed at the screen in my hand. Her face turned pale, and she trembled slightly.

"What... What is this?" Chen Wan stammered.

"Oh, just a little video I received," I replied nonchalantly.

The room fell into an eerie silence as everyone's attention shifted towards us. I pressed play, and the screen came to life with Ye Mei's confrontation with Song Yang.

Chen Wan's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched her son confess his love for me and their intimate moments together.

"This... This can't be true! Song Yang, tell me she's lying!" Chen Wan turned to Song Yang, her voice filled with desperation.

Song Yang remained silent, his face expressionless. The truth was laid bare in front of everyone, leaving no room for denial.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Finally, the tables had turned, and Chen Wan's illusions had been shattered.

"I trusted you, Song Yang! How could you do this to me?" Chen Wan's voice quivered with anger and pain.

I stepped forward, a calm smile on my face. "Chen Wan, it's time for you to face reality. Your son has chosen me, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Chen Wan's face contorted with rage as tears streamed down her cheeks. "You... You seduced him! You scheming woman!"

"No, Chen Wan, it was love. True love," I said confidently. "And there's no place for you in our lives anymore."

As the truth sank in, Chen Wan's anger turned into desperation. She collapsed to her knees, her body shaking uncontrollably. "Song Yang, how could you betray your family like this? Have you forgotten everything we've done for you?"

Song Yang finally spoke, his voice cold and resolute. "I haven't forgotten, but I've also realized that love cannot be forced or controlled. I deserve to be happy, and Ya Fan makes me happy."

Chen Wan's world had crumbled around her, and she had lost the battle she had waged against me. She looked up at me, her eyes filled with hatred. "You may have won this round, but I won't let you have a peaceful life. I will make sure you regret this!"

I calmly met her gaze. "Chen Wan, your reign of control and manipulation is over. From now on, we will live our lives on our own terms, free from your influence."

The party had turned into a chaotic scene, with guests in shock and disbelief. Some tried to intervene, but Song Yang raised his hand, gesturing for them to stay back.

"This is our decision, and we will face the consequences together," Song Yang declared, his voice filled with determination.

As the chaos continued around us, I held Song Yang's hand tightly, ready to face whatever challenges may come our way. We had overcome so much already, and together, we would build a future based on love, trust, and freedom.

And so, our journey as a couple entered a new chapter, one where we would define our own happiness and write our own story.
