The movie premiered, and today is a special large-scale screening.

The producers didn't invite me, which gave me a chance.

After the movie ended, there were many cries from the audience area. They might be sympathizing with the characters in the movie, feeling sorry for Wenning's experiences on the set, or recalling the unfair hurts and treatment they suffered in their youth.

Wenning accepted the gesang flowers handed to her by a fan. The flower symbolizes freedom and strength.

She held the microphone and passionately said, "Thank you all for coming to watch my debut film since I entered the industry. This theme is heart-wrenching and makes people silent. Everyone experiences various unfair treatments in life, but the ending of the movie doesn't necessarily represent the ending in reality. I hope all of you who have been hurt can embrace your own brightness."

As her words fell, thunderous applause erupted, and everyone shouted in unison, "Wenning, Wenning, Wenning!"

After the movie's end credits, a series of bloody short videos appeared on the big screen.

In the videos, Wenning's hands were covered in blood as she tore apart a stray cat in the roadside bushes.

"Xiao Chen, be more careful when filming. I have to watch it repeatedly when I go back. Why do these animals eat so well?"

"Look at its soft body. It's starting to stiffen. It scratched me just now."

Wenning looked around fearfully as the big screen switched to a video self-narration by Xiao Chen.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Chen Tian, also Wenning's assistant.

"I never dared to imagine that one day I would have the opportunity to speak out about the grievances I have suffered in front of so many people. What you see of Wenning is a lunatic. When she debuted, because she didn't have good resources, she deliberately got me drunk and left me locked in a producer's hotel who could easily pass as my father. If I hadn't jumped from the second floor to escape, I would have long been gone from this world. No one in the company wanted to work with her, and it was only when she started to find opportunities on her own and gained more resources that her attitude towards me improved. The details of the animal rescue videos posted on the short video platform are all fake. She just wanted to raise the cat and kill it with her own hands.

"The recent hot topics on the internet are not what everyone sees. I filmed the process of filming in the crew to hope that everyone can see the truth and stop defaming Teacher Ni Shang."

A video of Wenning falling backward from the stairs also appeared before everyone's eyes.

The bouquet of flowers in her hands was smashed to the ground.
